Thursday, September 25, 2008

Growing Fast

Peter is now 5 and a half months old! He is quickly becoming more responsive and's so fun to watch him grow!

Random highlights of the last few weeks:

Biggest news is that he has a molar poking through! He decided to forget those pesky front teeth and start with the back. He's an independent-thinker I guess. As a result we have lots of drool, fussy period, mad faces...just a general crankiness. Thankfully it just comes in short bursts then subsides...but I sure feel bad when he gets that way.

We are still working on sitting up. He can do it for a little bit but still is a little unsteady. Most of the time he just tries to get down on his tummy. I guess sitting is too boring.

My favorite thing though is that he seems to be hugging back now. Aww! He gets his arms around me and clings to my shirt and sometimes even buries his head into my arm or chest. What a sweet feeling to have a little creature love you so much!

I went to yard sales last weekend of some fellow moms and made out like a bandit! I love getting alot of toys for pennies on the dollar! I got blocks, kid chairs, a glow worm, a pushcart walker, cars, a stuffed dinosaur...just all kinds of stuff I've eyed in stores but couldn't bring myself to spend the $$.

I love the library. My latest find was the Tightwad Gazette. I'm having fun going around the house finding ways to save money or stretch every dollar. It's my new past-time. Funny how exhilarating it can be!

Peter seems to have only child syndrome. At play group the other day he was scooting on his tummy over to other babies and stealing all the toys! If they baby then picked up another toy Peter wanted that one too. Geez! It's neat to see him interacting with other babies, I just hope he doesn't become a bully baby!

Peter is spending lots of time on his hands and knees. He has figured out how to get up then THROW his body forward. Hopefully soon he'll figure out how to move his hands forward so he stops throwing his head into the floor!

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