It was CRAZY! We got there a little early and got to go on the floor of the stadium to mingle with the cast. Peter was in awe! There was so many things to look at. We tried to take his picture but nearly every one he was craning his neck around the other way to see something else. Who could be bothered with posing for pictures!?!
The show itself was lots of fun. There were clowns, tigers, acrobats, contortionists, motorcycles, tightrope walkers, strong men, and more! Peter's favorite part though was the elephants. I had brought our little stuffed Dumbo from home and every time an elephant came out Peter held it up in the air and shook it frantically in a little cheer.
I was determined to not get any souvenirs, but of course that didn't happen. :) I saw some cute circus hats that came with the cotton candy so we waved down a vendor and bought one. Peter got his first taste of cotton candy. At first he wasn't sure what to think of it, he'd never had anything quite like it.
But he quickly fell in love and wanted to eat the whole bag!
We also grabbed some of the free literature at the souvenir stands and one pamphlet unfolded into a big poster of elephants. It's now taped up on Peter's closet door. Gotta love free stuff!

By the end of the show we were all a little exhausted! I swear, if you didn't have ADD going into the show you would by the end. We were constantly bombarded with music, lights, and spectacle. There was never time to take a breath. It kept Peter awake and engaged the whole time but I was overwhelmed by it all!

We had a great time though, definitely a fun experience. We'll have to go again next year!
The whole ride home I had the song "Join the Circus" in my head and it was stuck there for the next day or two. In honor of that I put together a video of some of the highlights of our night at the circus. ENJOY!!!
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