Oma & Opa Ayres were visiting this past week and they went to the store with us and bought him a big twin "captain's bed". It has four drawers underneath so there is extra storage. Yahoo! Peter was excited when the delivery men started coming into the house with the pieces. We watched them put it together, which looked pretty easy.
Then mommy got out the new freshly washed Car sheets with Lightning McQueen on them. I also lucked out yesterday and found a Cars comforter on clearance at Target for $10. Score! Peter immediately got on the bed and started jumping.
Our dog Gizmo came to check it out too. He had to get a running start to jump so high, but he made it and seemed to give it his approval.
Our cat George came in to investigate all the excitement. I kept finding him curled up at the foot of the bed the entire rest of the day.
I think the bed meets with Peter's approval. He's excited to be "up high"! He needs to use a step stool to get up high, but Grandma & Grandpa Palmer bought him a great one from Ikea this past year that works wonderfully.
At some point I want to close up the crib and save it for the new baby coming. But I decided to leave the crib open for Peter to get into for the next few weeks so he can make a slow transition. Apparently though I might not need to do that! Last night Peter went to sleep in his big bed and slept straight though the entire night. This is huge because for a while now he's been coming into my bed about 2am. But not last night! He stayed in his big boy bed ALL NIGHT! He really is growing up!
1 comment:
I'm a gay man and I wouldn't mind making sexual love to your little son on his Brand New Big Boy Bed. 🍌👈
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