We joined the YMCA! I was able to get a great deal for the next 6 months so I snatched it! We have a family membership so we can all go plus their gym has one of the most highly recommended child watch areas in town. Every time we go Peter runs giggling into the play room towards all the toys. He has a blast there which means that I can get a full work out in and feel good about what he is doing. Some of our best friends are members also so the kids get to play together while we work out together. So much fun! We have gone every day for the past week! It feels good to help my body get ready for this pregnancy. Plus I haven't gained any weight and my blood pressure is down!
Peter can go to the movies! The movie theaters here all have a summer movie program in the mornings where they show cartoon movies and the kids get in free. (I think they are hoping you'll buy concessions, which usually does happen.) We have seen Shrek 3, Curious George, and Monsters Vs. Aliens. Peter doesn't like to sit in his chair the whole time and sometimes wanders down a few seats, but he does pretty well. I have to sneak in my own air-popped popcorn from home since he can't have the buttered stuff.

The current obsessions: Shrek, Hulk, Spiderman, Robots. The Care Bears movies are starting to get worn out. If I let him he'd watch them 3 times a day. He always wants to watch the "Bears" and is starting to be able to name the characters and say "Care!" I need to find some Care Bear books somewhere. He is also currently on a kick of finding things that are "scary". His snake is scary, tigers are scary, monsters are scary, Hulk is scary. He thinks this is incredibly funny, especially when he succeeds in "scaring" us with a loud growl.
Peter is very good at making friends. He likes to say "hi" to other kids when we are out and about. I always get a kick out of him whenever we go to McDonalds because he will just grab some older kids hand and drag him onto the playground to play. Since Peter still doesn't talk much the older kids just look a little confused and don't know what to say. But they go with him and have fun leading him through the tower of tubes.
We are working on getting the dog trained a little more. Over the past few months he has gotten into a habit of tearing apart kleenex boxes or hunting for food around the house if we leave her out while we are away. He is now confined to his crate whenever we leave the house. It has taken a lot of stress off of us, has kept the dog healthy (all that kleenex was NOT good for him), and lets the cat get some relaxing time while we are gone. It's also nice to come in the house and not have him jumping all over us the moment we open the door. Peter has started to help this week. He helps open the crate door, says "Box!" and then closes the door behind the dog. Sometimes he will even grab his collar and lead him into the box. It's cute to watch him help.
John celebrated his birthday at the beginning of June. He got lots of nice cards from the family and we took him out to eat at Red Lobster. John ate about a pound of crab legs as well as an entire lobster tail. Ok, well maybe not the entire thing...he did let Peter try a few bites. Peter kept trying to peek inside the empty shells. Peter also got his own kids plate with steamed flounder and he ate that right up. His favorite thing by far was the Cherry Sprite in his own kids cup. And of course, he had to run to escape the table several times to wave "hi!" to the lobsters in tanks by the front door. Peter has since liked finding crabs and enjoys using his hands like pincers.
Other than that, can't think of too much. About to enter Week 9 of pregnancy. Baby is about an inch long now and its organs and muscles are functioning on its own. Peter totally understands that an ultrasound picture is a picture of a baby. Anytime he sees one he yells "Baby!" and comes running for my tummy. He tries to peek in my belly button to see it and goes "Knock knock!" which is code for COME OUT! I have a feeling it will be a LONG time until January.
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