He anxiously waited for his turn to play with the bubbles and liked to watch them fly from the automatic bubble machine.
I should have brought his sunglasses, he kept looking straight up into the sky towards all the bubbles.
Finally Peter took his turn at one of the giant bubble boxes. He dug around in the soapy water to find the perfect toys.
There were so many to choose from! He loved the giant bubble makers the most.
He tried with all his might to blow a giant bubble.
He also found a little racquetball kinda birdie thing. Blowing into it cause a little waterfall of bubbles which was pretty neat.
Cute shot of my boy and his baby blues. Those eyes aren't changing color anytime soon!
Peter loved to get close to all the bubbles. He learned from all the other kids that you are supposed to try to catch them or clap them. He had a great time running around after bubbles. He took a great nap that day!
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