After circling the parking lot to find parking we followed the sound of the bands to the main stage. Of course, Peter got distracted on the way there and we ended up playing on a playground for about 20 minutes. By the time we got to the stage he was starving so we laid out a towel on the ground and got out a cooler of food.

Peter had a ham sandwich but he likes to eat the ham and the bread separate. I don't think he understands the concept of a sandwich yet. He also ate a bit banana. He even showed the camera what a big bite can fit in his mouth!

Peter had fun dancing to the music and clapping with all the people. It wasn't too busy so he was able to get up and run around a little bit.

I even let him get a ball out and chase that around the field. It turned into a way for him to meet people. I am always amazed by how easily he can make friends just by throwing a ball back and forth. He makes so many people smile! Here's a little video I took when I was watching him play with his ball.
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