As the boat was leaving the dock it was still dark out, but the sun quickly started to rise and we had a beautiful sunrise out on the ocean.

We were going trolling, which means that the boat moves the entire time and there were 5 different fishing lines out waiting for fish to bite. We each got a couple of turns reeling fish in but there was a lot of time spent just kicking back and relaxing.

John enjoyed being out at sea. He really misses that open ocean and seemed right at home with his sea legs.

Uncle Dwight used to work as a deck hand on this boat and knows the owner. Somehow he worked his magic to book a fishing trip on 24 hours notice! He was right at home fishing there too.
Jen tried to stay in the main fisherman's chair to try and not get seasick. Despite staring at the horizon and taking 2 dramamine for motion sickness she still ended up throwing up off the side of the boat! It actually felt a bit better after that!

Peter had stayed home with Grandma & Grandpa and played all morning. We figured he wouldn't understand being trapped on a boat for 4 hours and having to stay out of the way of all the action. When we arrived back in the marina he came down to see the boats and all our fish. That was all the excitement he needed!

We ended up catching six mahi-mahi, they were each probably about 30 lbs. Jen had the famous "one that got away". My first fish I nearly pulled a muscle trying to reel him in and then on the last tug to get him in the boat he broke free. It was a beautiful big blue fish. I hope my pretty fish is swimming happily still.

Our fishing crew!

John's fish!

Jen's fish. They tried to get me to hold it by the tail like John did, but it was so slippery it kept slipping through my hand. "Just grip it really tight" Yeah, right! After dropping the poor fish on his head about 5 times they gave up and I held it this way! Atleast I didn't drop it back into the water! Poor fish!

Hey look! Peter got to hold a fish too! It was almost as big as him.

The captain of the boat came down and started cutting the fish up right there on the dock for some fresh mahi-mahi sashimi. I think the fish was still wiggling. John was in heaven! (Totally not for Jen though.)

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