I decided to take Peter by myself to the open air mall up the street from our home. There is a great toy store there and they were hosting a big trick-or-treating event getting candy from all the stores.
It was an absolutely beautiful night and a gorgeous location. They had twinkle lights up and water fountains running and music playing. It was like a little fairy land.
Peter didn't quite understand what all the door to door stuff was about. We went in a few stores and they put candy in the bucket I was carrying for him. Peter thought this was a game so he started taking candy from our bucket and putting it into strangers bags. What a sweet boy!
Peter didn't care about getting candy, he just wanted to play on the stairs. I think we went up and down these stairs about 8 times before the night was through. I got my exercise in for the day!
After a few trips on the stairs mommy needed a rest so we sat down and Peter got his first taste of candy. Smarties!!! He's not allergic to sugar! He was LOVING them!
After having a taste he seemed to realize what was going on. He started going in every store and looking for the people with bowls of candy. He'd stick his hand in, grab a bunch, then toss them in his pumpkin bucket. No more sharing with strangers!
We ran into our friend Lillian. Peter was eyeing her candy! She's a tough little witch and wouldn't give it up without a fight.
"Hey, mom! I want more!"
"Alright Peter, you can have ONE more." He finished off a twizzler in no time flat! He kept licking his fingers. Must get every last bit!

"Peter, where's all your candy?"
Peter seemed to be in a sugar daze after trick-or-treating. But he had a great time.
The rest of our night I have no pictures of. We went to Chipotle, a mexican restaurant, for dinner. Turns out if you dress up as a burrito you get a FREE burrito. So we made little tin foil hats (that's what they wrap their burritos in) and went in to get our free food! They are HUGE burritos, probably over a pound of fillings inside them and SO YUMMY! The place was packed with people in tin foil hats, suspenders, swords and shields and everything you can think of.
Since we were out so late and had an extra burrito (Peter couldn't eat it since it had cheese and sour cream) we decided to visit John at work for a happy anniversary dinner. He was so surprised and laughed at our ingenuity.
While there we found out his work was going to grant his wish and send him home to spend his anniversary with his family. All of us hurried home and enjoyed the rest of our quiet evening at home.
It was a great Halloween this year!
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