It was definitely neat to have Grandma D be the one taking pictures at Gymboree. I just sat back and played with Peter. She even got some pictures of me for once!!! I'm so grateful for that! I don't get in too many pictures.
Peter just went off and did his own thing, causing trouble by emptying boxes and climbing all over everything. Good thing that's what you are supposed to do there!
They had the boat put away but I asked them to bring it out. Peter loves to ride in the boat. He cycled through about 5 different kids riding with him before he tired of it.
The big news of the day is that Peter said "Shhhh!" for the first time. During The Freeze song the kids are supposed to shake maracas until the song stops and says "FREEZE!" Then all the parents say "SHHH!" and the kids are supposed to stop and be quiet for maybe 5 seconds until the music starts again.
Peter did a really good "SHHH!" at the freeze part. Once he even put his finger up to his lips! So CUTE!!! I'm glad grandma got to see that first.
Peter never stays in lap time. (Can you tell its the end? I'm exhausted and don't want to try to keep him in my lap.)
Hey look! Another picture of my son glued to me. He sure loves his momma!
Peter wore a shirt that said "Grandma Says I'm priceless"
Umbrella time is always a favorite. He loves getting to jump and touch the umbrella.
After Gymboree Peter was tired, but he wanted to give Grandma some hugs for coming with us!
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