Peter's friend Abigail and her mom, another Jen offered to drive us up Mt. Lemmon so we piled the kids, car seats and all into their van and headed out. Mt Lemmon is Tucson's big mountain peak and they have a ski resort on top during the winter. It's only about a 25 minute drive up the mountain and is part of the mountain range behind our apartments. It's fun to watch the scenery change as you drive. You start off in cacti but are quickly surrounded by tall pine trees and driving past bear crossing signs.
At the top of the mountain it was going to be in the 60's. We brought our coats but in the sun we didn't really need them. It was nice and cool in our jeans and t-shirts. The ski lodge was open for business selling brats and a crowd was strewn across the hillside listening to live polka music.
It was so beautiful! The trees were all starting to change colors for autumn. Who knew there were fall colors in Tucson!?!? Only took me 4 years to go up the mountain to see it! It was a nice change of a mini-vacation! (I was so bummed that John was working and couldn't join us! We'll have to go again!)
We sat on the hillside, but it was very steep and rocky. The poor kids kept getting "lessons in gravity", falling down every few minutes. They had a nice level stage for the band on the patio.
We decided to head up to the patio and the kids ran around dancing, going in circles and generally stomping around the dance floor. (There's a cute video on the website!)
We also decided to venture into the woods a little bit. There were so many leaves and colors! Peter had a blast running around and looking at things. He rarely stopped to rest!
There were all kinds of leaves, rocks, and sticks to play with. I didn't need to bring any toys with me! Peter found so many toys all on his own!
Did I say that we loved the colors??
We also went and played on the grassy plains. The grass was taller than Peter in some places! He had fun pushing through it and trying to find where to go. There were also fun grasshoppers to chase.
One of Peter's favorite things in the grass was to play hide and seek. He was like a little tiger waiting for his prey. He'd crouch down then as people passed by him he'd pop out and yell "BOO!!" then let out the biggest giggle! He was so proud of himself!!
After about 2 hours the kids were starting to slow down so we packed up and winded our way back to town. It was such a nice mini-vacation! I can't wait to do it again!
Oh! Here's the video of Peter getting down to the polka music!
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