Peter has learned what a tree is, sometimes he even says tree. We have a line of trees on the way to our parking lot so every time we head out to the car Peter just walks from tree to tree touching them all. We even got him to give the trees a hug! So cute!
One of the parks we go to has a big log to play in and Peter likes to climb through and peek out the holes in the sides.
Profile picture of Peter in his zoo t-shirt at the zoo. He climbed up on a rock and was king of the mountain.
We bought Peter a lion costume the other day at Costco. It's not his Halloween costume, just something fun to play with. He wore it the entire rest of the shopping trip and was "rawr"-ing at all the other shoppers as we passed.
We had lots of fun at Pump It Up yesterday. Peter went through an obstacle course with some of his buddies. Mommy stopped to rest in one of the tunnels and Peter just decided to climb over!
We also went to play at the racquetball club BBQ Friday night. Only one more and then they are done until next summer! I will miss those BBQ nights! They have live music, lots of food, and we've invited our friends to meet us there so its been a lot of fun. Peter found the playground this time and had fun climbing all over it. He is a good climber these days!
Peter loves gathering up tennis balls and throwing them around an empty tennis court with his friends. Mom was taking lots of photos and Peter was getting a little annoyed with me. He went to pout in the corner. But even that was cute!
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