Peter is deep in caveman mode right now. He communicates by pointing and every once in a while emphasizes his point with a grunt. You can tell that he knows what he wants and just expects us to know what that is. I think it might be nice when he can talk a little more but I'm also trying to appreciate the silence for just a little while longer! We have been working a lot on teaching Peter different words. He has started talking a little bit.
Words Peter can say: Hi, Bye *waving*, Ma, Da, Doah (Dog), Bah (Ball), Eye, Daht (That), Haa (Hat)
Things Peter can identify, but not say yet: Belly, Nose, Head, Hair, Ear, Foot, Chewy, Cat, Bird, Wheel, Truck, Plane, Banana, Book
There's more but I can't think of them. He knows so much now! He loves to show you he knows what things are. He uses his thumb to point at things in books. He can easily find our nose, eyes, and ears, but when we ask him where HIS are he gets a little stumped sometimes. Perhaps because he can't see them.
He currently has an obsession with finding people's bellies, especially as it gets close to bedtime. He will go around to whoever is there and try to lift up their shirt to see their belly. Mommy and Daddy have gotten used to this little routine of his but it was super funny when he got Great-Grandma Langmann to show off her belly to him!
We got a referral to an allergist because I keep getting frustrated with Peter's food and I just want to talk to an expert. We are reading more labels, buying more natural foods, and finding new stores. Oh, and Peter now as 2 molars and counting!! You can see them whenever you turn him upside down and he laughs out load...or when he is screaming if he doesn't want his diaper changed. In any case, new molars mean he gets to try some new foods. We have come across some new favorite foods!
Peter's new favorite foods: Dried fruit, pretzels, rice cakes, turkey dogs, sweet potato fries, turkey, chicken
It was so funny the other day. I was out with a group of friends and got handed a 3 month old. He was so tiny! I can't believe how much Peter has grown up! He is like a little kid now, not a baby! He is doing so much every day! He runs circles around me, races up and down the stairs all by himself, knows how to march and picks his feet up really high.
The other day I caught him trying to put his own clothes on. He put both feet through one leg of his shorts and got a little stuck. He has put my shirt on over his head and walks around with it dragging behind him. And he tries to put everyone's shoes on his feet then stands at the door trying to reach for the doorknob to get outside.
We have started playing outside in our apartment complex more when it is cool out. We got a soccer ball from Grandpa Jim and Peter spends forever chasing it, throwing it, and kicking it. If we go to the basketball court he will try to stretch up really high on his tip-toes and try to put the ball in the basket. TOTALLY not gonna happen. But he almost falls backwards sometimes from stretching so hard.
I am very sad that we lost the "Where is your ball?" trick. That line used to distract him from whatever he was doing and prevented him from causing a lot of trouble. Now it's gone. Nothing distracts him now. *Sigh* It was nice while it lasted.
Peter's current interests: Balls, trucks, dogs, puddles, his new corn popper, real pictures, music, Imagination Movers
We started watching about 20 minutes of tv a day, usually while I'm cleaning up the kitchen. Peter kinda watched Sesame Street, but it didn't really hold his attention. We like a show called the Imagination Movers on the Disney Channel. Peter sits in his chair in front of the tv and eats some pretzels while bopping to the music. He'll get up to dance and clap when they sing. It's too cute!
Peter has figured out how to work the corn popper push toy! Yay! I was at a used kids store the other day and he picked it up and just started pushing it around the floor. I got it practically new for $3! Gotta love bargain shopping! Now he is pushing it around the apartment and the entire complex. I'm sure the neighbors loved us at 8am Sunday filling the morning with "POP-POP poppity-POP"
All-in-all it has been a busy month for Peter. We've had a lot of family visits and stayed busy with different summer activities. And he is just blossoming in his understanding of the world. It is such a joy to watch and be granted access into his little world. Everything is so amazing through his eyes!
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