There isn't a heck of a lot to "do" in Bisbee. Which is what makes it a relaxing weekend getaway!
Bisbee used to be a huge mining town and produced nearly 3 million ounces of gold and more than 8 BILLION pounds of copper. We opted to go on a tour of the Copper Queen Mine.
We got to the mine just in time to board the last tour of the day. They dressed us in rain coats, hard hats, and our own lights. We had to straddle little benches on a train track and they took us deep into the mine. It was nice and chilly, a cool 47 degrees. After about 100 degree weather outside it felt REALLY good.
Peter was getting pretty cranky because he had already spent a lot of time at Tombstone and it was just about his nap time. We didn't schedule this very well!!! It was cold, dark, and we were stuck underground with not much to do!
We played games with our flashlights, passed him back and forth between us, fed him some snacks, gave him Chewy, let him touch the rock walls, and tried to keep him entertained.
The last leg of the trip Grandma & mom hung back to play with Peter so the boys could go and learn more about mining. The guy leading the tour had 3 generations work in this mine and had some fun stories.
John says his mine job would be to be the sanitation worker. Basically being in charge of emptying the mine toilets by bringing them up from underground. The were one of the safest jobs and got paid the most.
Grandpa helped carry Peter up and down the rocky steps and through some narrow passageways. Peter's head was too tiny for a hat so we kept yelling "Watch his head!"
Grandma Cindy tried to get the hat to fit. No luck!
It was definitely a unique experience. I wish Peter hadn't been so cranky, but I suppose that's what you get for taking a 1 year old into a mine at naptime!!! It was still fun though!
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