This summer we were lucky enough to spend several weeks with Peter's Grandma Cindy & Grandpa Jim. Half of the time was when we were visiting Jen's Iowa family and the other half they got to come down to Arizona to visit us and play tourist.

Peter gets a chance to know all his grandparents through Skype every couple weeks, but it sure is nice to have my parents around a little bit.

Peter gets so spoiled when there is family around. He seems to go crazy doing tricks and learning new things.

When we were in Iowa Grandpa Jim kept taking him out to look at this bird windmill. He now knows what a bird is!

And Grandma Cindy keeps pushing him to do more things physically. She'd make him walk all by himself instead of in the stroller. He walked the entire streets of Tombstone while we were there. The stroller was basically just carrying our stuff.

Now that they are gone he brings me the phone hoping to hear grandma's voice. He knows to hold the phone to his ear and push the buttons. He doesn't say anything on the phone yet though, just listens intently for her voice.

He likes to look at pictures of them and can identify which is grandma and which is grandpa. The other day he brought me his baby-friendly picture album saying "buhm-pah" over and over and pointing at grandpa's picture. So cute!

We had such a fun summer with our family. I wish all our family was closer, but I know with our globe trotting families we will never all wind up in the same place. I'm thankful for the internet and Skype to help keep us closer.

We also went a little crazy with picture taking this summer. (Duh!) I think I have over 4,000 new pictures. I have a hard time going through them all and getting them on the blog so I just do what I can. After posing for picture after picture Peter started to be crazy and have fun with them. He kept trying to touch Grandpa Jim's teeth so grandpa started biting him!

About 15 pictures later we finally got one where everybody is smiling/laughing! Silly kid! We love you Grandpa Jim and Grandpa Cindy!!