Monday, November 29, 2010

Snow Day (video)

The week before Thanksgiving SNOW came to Arizona!!! Of course it had to be trucked in...

The Foothills Mall once again brought in about 30 tons of snow into the parking lot to welcome Santa! For the third year we headed over to play in the snow.

This year Peter held his own in the snow crazed madness. Snowballs were flying, kids were running, and Peter was happily finding mini snowballs.

Peter ran all around the snow looking for perfect Peter sized chunks of snow to pick up and throw at mom. That's right, forget about the mass of other kids there. His sole target was to throw snow at mom.

He had a great time, even if his hands got cold!

Peter got some good throws at mom and nailed me repeatedly in the tummy. Some he got up high and got my hair! He's gonna be a danger next year! Can you imagine when he has a brother to target to!?! Oh no!!!

Peter also found some kids that were making a "Frosty"!! He was so excited that he needed to get his picture taken with it. He is obsessed with Frosty the Snowman this year.

Santa Claus ended up arriving in a big firetruck so before we left we had to go visit the firetruck. Peter saw a bunch of kids on the back posing for pictures so he HAD to get up and pose to. Isn't he the perfect little model?

I also got a few videos of Peter in action! This first one you'll notice that he throws a good snowball at me and then does an evil "Ha ha ha!" and runs off to find more snow in the crowd. He gets a little lost until he finds me then a big smile comes over his face as he runs to throw more snow at me. Crazy kid!

This video is of course my favorite. It shows off his dancing and great aim!!

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