Saturday, November 6, 2010

Making Snickerdoodles (video)

Today we found Great-Grandma Langmann's recipe for Snickerdoodles and since it looked pretty easy I decided to make them! All I had to do was replace the butter with Peter's special shortening. I had to roll the dough into balls and then Peter helped roll them around and drench them in cinnamon and sugar. He had a great time but I did catch him taking a few licks and bites of the yummy doughballs. "Yum, taste Gooood!" he'd say. He's such a funny boy!

Oh and yes, he is wearing his Spiderman costume. It's a week after Halloween and he still wants to wear his costumes and go out for treats. Can you blame him? :) I have hardly any laundry because he hasn't worn regular clothes! Atleast he is happy and having fun! Sometime soon I will have to start putting Halloween things away and I'm trying to get him to dress up in his "play costume" or "park costume" whenever we go outside. If I call it a costume I can sometimes get him in shorts and a t-shirt! Whatever works!

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