Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toy Story 3

On daddy's day off we decided to take Peter to the mall to go see Toy Story 3. We made a big deal out of it! We used a Disney Gift Card we had left from Xmas and bought Peter a few of the stuffed toys. He went as a walking advertisement for the movie!

Peter loves his Buzz and Woody dolls, even though he sometimes gets confused over who is who. He likes to make them both "fly up high". He was a hit with the other kids though. They all wanted to see his toys.

We got to the theater a little late, so decided to wait 30 minutes until the next showing. That was ok though because it gave Peter some time to run in the play area and burn off some energy before hand.

Peter is getting so brave lately. He keeps jumping off things higher and higher. I swear this stage coach was probably 3 feet off the ground, he looks like he is flying! Of course, he still wouldn't let go of his toys!

We had a good time at the movie. It got to be a little long and the last 30 minutes Peter was kinda restless. Most of the time though he just liked to yell "Buzz!" "Woody" at the screen and clutch his stuffed friends. Thankfully, we had brought some Peter friendly popcorn and fruit snacks so they helped pass the time. There were some moments in the movie that he thought were "scary!" and he quickly learned who the bad guys were which was fun to watch. Mommy and Daddy got a little choked up at the end when the little boy, Andy grew up and had to say goodbye to his toys. (To be honest mommy is high on pregnancy hormones and had a full on waterfall going down her cheeks.) All in all though it was a great movie!

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