Saturday, June 12, 2010

Baby Update - Week 8

We got to see our new baby on ultrasound this week and even listen to its heartbeat!! Peter had to come with me to the doctor, but John was able to meet us there so everyone joined me for the ultrasound.

We told Peter we were looking at the baby in mommy's belly. When I had to lift my shirt up to show my belly Peter was ready to take his shirt off too and look at his belly. Then he watched the baby on the tv. The doctor even printed out a picture of the baby (basically just a blob) and we gave it to Peter. He likes to pull it out and yell "BABY!" It's super cute.

They were able to get a more accurate due date this time. We are due on January 22nd, 2011.

So far no big symptoms. I'm tired, duh! I'm chasing a toddler all day! And I've already started to get numbing of my hands at night, which didn't happen last time until the final trimester. Other than that not too bad. We're having fun so far!

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