Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Iowa Lake House

Peter and mom just had a crazy busy 2 weeks. We were in Iowa from July 9th-19th to spend time with Jen's Iowa family. We had a great time going to 2 family reunions, hanging with extended family, and seeing old friends. We missed daddy and the pets incredibly while we were gone!! We just got home. It's always nice to return to your own bed, home, and daily routine.

The first weekend we were in Iowa we went to the Davis family lake house in Montezuma. It's always so relaxing there. Peter tried to climb the big hill between the lake and the house but he only got about half way before giving up. It's a very steep hill, sometimes mommy wants to give up!

We sat on the swing for awhile watching the cousins water ski and tube on the lake. I was so worried that Peter was gonna trip and tumble down the hill into the lake!

Watching the boats with Grandma Cindy.

Aunt Kim went up and got Peter a life vest from the house. It fit him perfectly so we went down onto the dock to wait for the boat to pick us up and give Peter his first boat ride.

Aunt Angel went on the boat ride with us. Peter started to HATE his life vest. He wanted it OFF!!!

He REALLY didn't like his life vest. (BTW: Peter finally got a few more bottom teeth and you can really see them in this picture!)

I think he hated the life vest, but when you are that close to the water its not optional!!

Finally the boat pulled up to get a fresh batch of passengers. Great-uncle Brian let Peter captain the boat a little bit. Peter loves steering wheels!

Here we are! Finally out on the water! Peter enjoyed his first boat ride. There was so much going on! Wind, water, other boats, birds, trees. He totally forgot about his life vest and just started looking around at everything. He made sure to always be holding my shirt, he didn't want me to let him go. About halfway through the ride he started waving at the other boats and they waved back. It was fun!

We had a bunch of stuff from the lake so I made a video of our favorite pictures for the website. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Oma Cindy said...

I miss you guys so much. What a blessing to spend so much time with you! I keep closing doors and peaking around for Peter. It's just too quiet without him. I love you so much.