Thursday, July 2, 2009

Fourth of July Craftdate

This morning the mommy group got together at the park for a 4th of July Craftdate. It was a lot of fun because they had gotten little red, white, and blue beach balls for the kids to color. Peter is not much for coloring yet, he just wanted me to blow up the ball so he could play with it.

Since our get together was 4th of July themed it made since that all the food was red, white, and blue too! Peter got to have blueberry muffins and strawberries. We even brought some eggs from home. It WAS still breakfast time after all. We tried to stay away from the desert stuff but it sure did look yummy!

All the balls looked the same and the kids didn't seem to know what to do! It was ok though because there were plenty of balls to go around. I think there were about 25 kids with balls floating around the field. We ended up putting our name on ours.

Peter learned to KICK the ball today! For a few months he has been bumping into balls with his legs. Today he saw the bigger kids actually kick the ball and to my surprise a few minutes later Peter walked up to a ball, brought his leg back and WHAM! Kicked the ball like he'd been doing it forever! Yay Peter!

We had so much fun. I was very grateful that last night there were lots of thunderstorms and this morning was overcast and cool. We were able to hang out at the park for a while just chasing balls around the field.

Peter loves his new ball. I love our moms group, they always come up with the best ideas!

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