Friday, April 15, 2011

Wyatt's Tongue Tie

Wyatt's tongue tie is now FIXED!!! We went through so much trying to get his poor t0ngue fixed. The membrane below his tongue went all the way to the tip of his tongue and prevented him from sticking his tongue all the way out. It caused problems in sucking/eating and preventing him from gaining weight.

The first doctor we were referred to wanted to wait and see how things went because she wanted to knock him out with anesthesia. From my research and how frustrated I was I was NOT going to let that happen. I asked my mommy friends for referrals and had several people mention a specialist. After 2 months we finally got Wyatt in and after 5 minutes he was fixed.

The doctor was fun and played with Peter. Then brought out scissors, did a few snips, Wyatt cried for maybe 15 seconds then calmed down and it was done! I fed him for a little bit and it already felt a little different.

Wyatt had a few days learning curve of learning how to work his tongue differently. He had spent 2 months learning to work the wrong muscles to try to compensate.

Now he LOVES to stick his tongue out, lick his fists, and has starting cooing all day long.

Sidenote: It has been a few weeks now and Peter still remembers our visit. Sadly, what he remembers is that "scissors cut baby's tongue". I am scared to ever give him a pair of scissors!

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