John actually had to work on Father's Day so we decided to go out to dinner the night before. We went to the same place we went last Father's Day, a restaurant called BJ's Brewery. Last year we got a free beer glass that said "Father's Day 2008" and they were doing the same thing again for a 2009 glass.
They brought Peter a kid menu and some crayons to play with. He tried to figure them out but mostly he just banged the point on the table like a drum and made dots.
Peter was a handful all dinner. He did NOT like sitting down and waiting. He wanted to just run around the restaurant and explore.
John kept him busy playing "SO BIG!", drumming on the table, or digging out toys from the diaper bag. He also dug the lemon out of our water to have him taste it. Seemed like he liked it!
It seemed like forever until our food came. We were just ready to get out of there and let Peter run around a little bit. We scarfed down our food so fast, the waiter had to do a double take.
It was a good night out. Though I think we'll be sticking to more kid-friendly places next time. Peter is just too wiggley right now for a sit down place!
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