We get to look at the beautiful mountains behind our home.

We got bundled up to go to our 9am Movers & Shakers (Baby gym!) class.

Peter got alot of exercise with the baby walkers today. Take a look at the video on the blog!

He had lots of fun on the new toys they have there. He still doesn't like to sit still for the stretching and singing time. He's rather crawl to everyone. He is fascinated at little girls hair bows and wants to try to eat them.

Midway through the class they broke out the parachute. We put the babies in the center then all the mommies go to the outside and go in a circle so the parachute kinda drags the babies all around in a circle. Peter has been ok with it for a few classes but today he was sitting next to a little girl that was scared and HATED it. She started SCRREEEEEAMING and Peter got scared and started crying too. As we were moving the parachute Peter (crying) crawled over to her, got on his knees and put his hands all over her head. I think he was trying to find the OFF button!
After parachute time our instructors gave Peter a valentine. Of course, it went straight into his mouth. (Side note: This is Peter's favorite sitting position. He likes to sit with one leg underneath and one leg out. Then he'll bounce.)

While mommy was putting her shoes on Peter decided to play on the bleachers. They made fun sounds when he would hit them.

Whenever I say that Peter's was climbing the walls, I'm not exaggerating!! Here he is doing his impression of Spiderman!

Peter was tired by the end of gym class. But it was a fun day!

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