Today mom went to the eye doctor and got some work done on her eyes. (Sidenote: OWWW!!!) I've now got sutures in each of my eyelids and my eyes are swelling and turning a little black and blue. And they sting! I've got antibiotics that keep my eyes fuzzy for the next few days. I'll be glad when this is over!
After my eye appointment Peter had Gymboree. I made daddy be the one to play with him for the whole class though. I did go along and take the video camera for some videos. I wasn't able to get any steps on his own but I did get this video of Peter walking with Daddy! Enjoy!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
First steps for Peter-kind! Giant leap for mom!
Today Peter took his first steps!! My baby boy was walking!!!
We were at the library story time that we've been going to for months and we were singing the "Open, Shut them" song. Peter was standing on his own and doing a little bounce when he started to lift up one of his feet. I got my hands out around him because usually he'll try to step and kinda loose his balance mid-step. But this time he didn't.
He took a step!
Then another!
Then another!
My heart kinda stopped and I think I stopped breathing and my eyes started to water.
After about 6 steps Peter was tired and stopped and stood in the middle of the play circle. And everybody clapped and cheered for him!
It was so exciting!!
My baby boy walked!!!
We were at the library story time that we've been going to for months and we were singing the "Open, Shut them" song. Peter was standing on his own and doing a little bounce when he started to lift up one of his feet. I got my hands out around him because usually he'll try to step and kinda loose his balance mid-step. But this time he didn't.
He took a step!
Then another!
Then another!
My heart kinda stopped and I think I stopped breathing and my eyes started to water.
After about 6 steps Peter was tired and stopped and stood in the middle of the play circle. And everybody clapped and cheered for him!
It was so exciting!!
My baby boy walked!!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tucson Children's Museum
This past weekend we went to a Carnaval/Mardi Gras celebration downtown. One of our friends percussion group was playing so we listened to the drums for a little while and danced a little bit. Across the street the Tucson Children's Museum had free admission for the day so we headed over there to check it out for the first time.
It sure made me miss some of the other (better) museums I've been to in my time! But there were a few things that Peter found fascinating. I think it'll be alot more fun when he can do more things. He definately had fun though. By the time we left he was all smiles hopping up and down on John's shoulders and hitting daddy's head like a drum.
There were a few dinosaur statues. Peter even had a dinosaur shirt on! How cool is that?!

They had a building room with lincoln logs. (Of course Peter just wanted to chew on them.)

And legos!

And there was a tiny tykes play area with blocks and things to climb.

Peter was content just to push the blocks around.

This last pic is my current desktop picture. He looks like he is ready to just stand up and start walking!
It sure made me miss some of the other (better) museums I've been to in my time! But there were a few things that Peter found fascinating. I think it'll be alot more fun when he can do more things. He definately had fun though. By the time we left he was all smiles hopping up and down on John's shoulders and hitting daddy's head like a drum.
There were a few dinosaur statues. Peter even had a dinosaur shirt on! How cool is that?!

They had a building room with lincoln logs. (Of course Peter just wanted to chew on them.)

And legos!

And there was a tiny tykes play area with blocks and things to climb.

Peter was content just to push the blocks around.

This last pic is my current desktop picture. He looks like he is ready to just stand up and start walking!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Nursery Tour (Video)
This is a test. I did a tour of Peter's nursery and the video was to big/long for the normal blog so I used YouTube this time. Hopefully this will work out right! Enjoy!
Monday, February 23, 2009
On Top of Spaghetti....
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Reid Park Zoo & Animal Fair
This week we received a delayed Xmas present from Oma & Opa. We got a zoo membership! Yay! We can go to the zoo anytime we want to over the next year! We packed up the car and went to the zoo on Friday!
My best attempt at a family photo.

Crawling at the zoo. Halfway through our rounds Peter needed a break out of the stroller to crawl around.

Peter cuddling daddy outside the monkey cage. Peter's shirt is from Nana Deanna, it has monkeys all over it!!!

Mom cuddling Peter on our zoo walk. It's so green there and full of life. I love being out in a green environment. Shortly after this photo the lion started roaring and freaked us out.

Peter at the zoo. His favorite animals this trip were the giraffes and the peacocks. A white peacocks came running at us because another little girl was chasing it! Peter was just staring at that one. Next time I think we'll try to go at feeding time, we can feed a giraffe!

Look! A turtle shell!

Is there a turtle in there?

This morning Peter and I went to the Reid Park Animal Fair. We did have one mishap on the way though. Peter had his sippy cup in his carseat and mom hadn't gotten it screwed on right so it spilled all over his pants and the carseat! He started yelling halfway to the park and I had no clue what was going on until I got there and took him out of the car in dripping pants! Bad mommy! We took his pants off and ended up going to the fair in a new diaper and dry shirt and his pants hanging off the stroller drying.
There were LOTS of doggies to look at and they were all at about his level. It was crazy busy with people and their dogs. I wish we could have brought Gizmo, but he's not so good with other doggies and would have gotten stressed out.

It was sunny and hitting about 80 degrees so I made Peter wear a hat so he wouldn't get a sunburn on his head. He kept it on as long as we were moving and there were things to look at. If we stopped for a few minutes he noticed it was there and would be taking it off.

There were horses, ponies, llamas, and pigs at the Animal Fair too. Peter was fascinated by the horses. I tried getting his picture with them behind him but nothing I did would get his attention. He was doing some crazy gymnast moves to keep them in his sight!

There's a pond in the park too. We didn't get to see the ducks today, but maybe next time we'll take some bread for them. Oh, and btw, his pants were dry by the time we got back to the car. The carseat was nearly dry, I ended up putting an extra diaper and a blankie down and it was fine. Phew!

After 2 days out in the sun at the park I am exhausted and my face is definately turning red. But we had a blast!
My best attempt at a family photo.

Crawling at the zoo. Halfway through our rounds Peter needed a break out of the stroller to crawl around.

Peter cuddling daddy outside the monkey cage. Peter's shirt is from Nana Deanna, it has monkeys all over it!!!

Mom cuddling Peter on our zoo walk. It's so green there and full of life. I love being out in a green environment. Shortly after this photo the lion started roaring and freaked us out.

Peter at the zoo. His favorite animals this trip were the giraffes and the peacocks. A white peacocks came running at us because another little girl was chasing it! Peter was just staring at that one. Next time I think we'll try to go at feeding time, we can feed a giraffe!

Look! A turtle shell!

Is there a turtle in there?

This morning Peter and I went to the Reid Park Animal Fair. We did have one mishap on the way though. Peter had his sippy cup in his carseat and mom hadn't gotten it screwed on right so it spilled all over his pants and the carseat! He started yelling halfway to the park and I had no clue what was going on until I got there and took him out of the car in dripping pants! Bad mommy! We took his pants off and ended up going to the fair in a new diaper and dry shirt and his pants hanging off the stroller drying.
There were LOTS of doggies to look at and they were all at about his level. It was crazy busy with people and their dogs. I wish we could have brought Gizmo, but he's not so good with other doggies and would have gotten stressed out.

It was sunny and hitting about 80 degrees so I made Peter wear a hat so he wouldn't get a sunburn on his head. He kept it on as long as we were moving and there were things to look at. If we stopped for a few minutes he noticed it was there and would be taking it off.

There were horses, ponies, llamas, and pigs at the Animal Fair too. Peter was fascinated by the horses. I tried getting his picture with them behind him but nothing I did would get his attention. He was doing some crazy gymnast moves to keep them in his sight!

There's a pond in the park too. We didn't get to see the ducks today, but maybe next time we'll take some bread for them. Oh, and btw, his pants were dry by the time we got back to the car. The carseat was nearly dry, I ended up putting an extra diaper and a blankie down and it was fine. Phew!

After 2 days out in the sun at the park I am exhausted and my face is definately turning red. But we had a blast!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
10 Things to Remember about Peter at 10 Months
(One of my friends did this on her blog and I thought it was fun.)
10 Things to Remember about Peter at 10 Months
1. Balls are fun to play with. His favorite new game is to pick up a ball and throw it. He will stay busy for probably 40 minutes all on his own just throwing a ball 12 inches, chasing it, throwing it again, chasing it down, throw, chase, throw, chase, etc.
2. He’s starting to eat grown-up food. Some of his favorite’s are: eggs, cheese slices, pears, apples, mandarin oranges, Cheerios, whole wheat toast with strawberry jam, blueberries, whole wheat bagels, carrots, sweet potato, applesauce, broccoli, tomatoes… The boy eats just about anything I put in front of him. He likes foods he can hold in his hand more than he likes food on a spoon from us. He wants to feed himself! He’s also learned to drink from a sippy cup. Yay! After buying the $5 “trainer” cups he ends up liking the $0.97 ones from Walmart.
3. When we go towards the door to go somewhere he gets excited. His whole body jumps and shakes, he waves him arms and lets out a full-body squeal. He loves going places!
4. He is fascinated by other kids. Whenever we see them out and about he stares at them and tries to get out of his stroller or my arms in order to get closer to them. He likes it best when they reach out and hold his hand.
5. Changing his diaper should be a new Olympic event because it takes a lot of athletic ability, stamina, strength and flexibility. It is nearly impossible to change his diaper in one shot unless he’s extremely tired. He does not want to stay in one place. Half the time, after I get his bottom clean I end up just letting him go to crawl for a few minutes bottomless before even attempting to hold him down again long enough to get a diaper back ON him.
6. Peter can’t stay still and is moving around a lot. He can stand on his own without holding onto anything for over a minute. He can do laps in the living room with his walker. He can walk just holding onto one of my fingers. He has started to try to take a step all on his own. Sometimes he succeeds but usually he ends up crouching down to the ground instead. He has figured out that anything at his waist level means that he can swing his leg up onto it and climb it. He can stay seated in a shopping cart for about 15 minutes until he wants to try to climb out. I’m often left at the grocery check out juggling shopping ads, coupons, my credit card, the diaper bag, and a baby that is trying to push all the buttons on the credit card swiper thing.
7. I can see him learning. When he hears the front door, he goes towards it looking for dad. When I call his name in gym class he will crawl across the entire gym floor to come to me. When he pushes the lever on the toilet it flushes. He remembers where I hide things or where the dog’s water dish is. He also knows that if he turns a certain way in his car seat he can see mom and smile at her. This week he is learning to “Go get” a ball and to “throw it” to me so we can play together.
8. He likes music. Whenever it comes on he starts bouncing and waving his hands in the air. He’s even starting to do the Twist.
9. Peter can turn pages. Though he hasn’t quite figured out that you are supposed to turn one at a time, or that they are supposed to go in certain directions. He just knows that pages are things that you can move and see different things. He’ll just keep turning the pages to the things that he wants to look at.
10. Peter is a great sleeper. He sleeps around 12 hours at night, getting up once for a feeding. And he also takes 2 naps during the day. Depending on our day these can be 30 minutes or 2 hours. Sometimes he has to sneak them in while in his carseat going to our next activity. I keep him busy!
10 Things to Remember about Peter at 10 Months
1. Balls are fun to play with. His favorite new game is to pick up a ball and throw it. He will stay busy for probably 40 minutes all on his own just throwing a ball 12 inches, chasing it, throwing it again, chasing it down, throw, chase, throw, chase, etc.
2. He’s starting to eat grown-up food. Some of his favorite’s are: eggs, cheese slices, pears, apples, mandarin oranges, Cheerios, whole wheat toast with strawberry jam, blueberries, whole wheat bagels, carrots, sweet potato, applesauce, broccoli, tomatoes… The boy eats just about anything I put in front of him. He likes foods he can hold in his hand more than he likes food on a spoon from us. He wants to feed himself! He’s also learned to drink from a sippy cup. Yay! After buying the $5 “trainer” cups he ends up liking the $0.97 ones from Walmart.
3. When we go towards the door to go somewhere he gets excited. His whole body jumps and shakes, he waves him arms and lets out a full-body squeal. He loves going places!
4. He is fascinated by other kids. Whenever we see them out and about he stares at them and tries to get out of his stroller or my arms in order to get closer to them. He likes it best when they reach out and hold his hand.
5. Changing his diaper should be a new Olympic event because it takes a lot of athletic ability, stamina, strength and flexibility. It is nearly impossible to change his diaper in one shot unless he’s extremely tired. He does not want to stay in one place. Half the time, after I get his bottom clean I end up just letting him go to crawl for a few minutes bottomless before even attempting to hold him down again long enough to get a diaper back ON him.
6. Peter can’t stay still and is moving around a lot. He can stand on his own without holding onto anything for over a minute. He can do laps in the living room with his walker. He can walk just holding onto one of my fingers. He has started to try to take a step all on his own. Sometimes he succeeds but usually he ends up crouching down to the ground instead. He has figured out that anything at his waist level means that he can swing his leg up onto it and climb it. He can stay seated in a shopping cart for about 15 minutes until he wants to try to climb out. I’m often left at the grocery check out juggling shopping ads, coupons, my credit card, the diaper bag, and a baby that is trying to push all the buttons on the credit card swiper thing.
7. I can see him learning. When he hears the front door, he goes towards it looking for dad. When I call his name in gym class he will crawl across the entire gym floor to come to me. When he pushes the lever on the toilet it flushes. He remembers where I hide things or where the dog’s water dish is. He also knows that if he turns a certain way in his car seat he can see mom and smile at her. This week he is learning to “Go get” a ball and to “throw it” to me so we can play together.
8. He likes music. Whenever it comes on he starts bouncing and waving his hands in the air. He’s even starting to do the Twist.
9. Peter can turn pages. Though he hasn’t quite figured out that you are supposed to turn one at a time, or that they are supposed to go in certain directions. He just knows that pages are things that you can move and see different things. He’ll just keep turning the pages to the things that he wants to look at.
10. Peter is a great sleeper. He sleeps around 12 hours at night, getting up once for a feeding. And he also takes 2 naps during the day. Depending on our day these can be 30 minutes or 2 hours. Sometimes he has to sneak them in while in his carseat going to our next activity. I keep him busy!
Beep-Beep!! (pics & videos)
Today we missed gym class because daddy needed to take our car to work when his wouldn't start this morning. (Don't worry, just some weird battery problem that he had trouble solving at 5am.) Anyways, thought I'd share a little more from last week. Along with the push toys they had some ride on toys and Peter had fun playing with this truck because it had a squeeky horn that he could bang on. Fun!

Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! We had a pretty good day today. John is recovering from getting a teeth pulled yesterday so we were pretty low-key. Didn't even want to do a dinner out because he is only eating mushy stuff today.
We were able to get out of our house and go to a free tax preparation site. Our taxes are done!! Yay! And we are even getting $$ back!! Of course that money is already going to other bills, but it will be nice to get those paid off. Car repairs, dental work, what's left of last year's taxes we owed... But I'm excited to get something back for once.
Afterwards we dropped John back at home and I headed off to do some Valentine shopping. I ended up getting a few balloons for the boys. (John obviously can't have chocolate with a bad mouth!)
When I got home I found out that while we were gone the dog got into the chocolates John had bought for me! He ended up throwing up on the couch and the carpet! Eww!! John's "relaxing" time at home was spent cleaning up. Thank goodness Grandpa Marvin bought us a carpet shampooer the last time he visited!! Everything got cleaned up pretty quickly. The dog got in serious trouble though!
Peter had fun playing with our balloons. He put one in each hand and drug them around the house for the rest of the day.

We were able to get out of our house and go to a free tax preparation site. Our taxes are done!! Yay! And we are even getting $$ back!! Of course that money is already going to other bills, but it will be nice to get those paid off. Car repairs, dental work, what's left of last year's taxes we owed... But I'm excited to get something back for once.
Afterwards we dropped John back at home and I headed off to do some Valentine shopping. I ended up getting a few balloons for the boys. (John obviously can't have chocolate with a bad mouth!)
When I got home I found out that while we were gone the dog got into the chocolates John had bought for me! He ended up throwing up on the couch and the carpet! Eww!! John's "relaxing" time at home was spent cleaning up. Thank goodness Grandpa Marvin bought us a carpet shampooer the last time he visited!! Everything got cleaned up pretty quickly. The dog got in serious trouble though!
Peter had fun playing with our balloons. He put one in each hand and drug them around the house for the rest of the day.

Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine's Day Party at Pump It Up
We went to a Valentine's Day Party today with one of our mommy groups. It was at Pump It Up. Basically its a big warehouse filled with bounce houses. It's so much fun! The bounce houses are huge, have obstacle courses and slides, and even mommies and daddies can go in them to jump around.

We went in one of the no-frills bouncers and Peter got scared. It was loud noises for the blowers, then music blaring over them, then lots of action with the kids, and a ground that wasn't stable. He didn't know what to think!

I tried to lay down next to him in the bouncer but he just tried to climb on my face. (You can see my face under his hand in this picture.)

For about 15 minutes we laid down or sat together in the bouncer and he just clung to me like a little monkey the entire time.

We finally decided to get out and try something different.

Peter liked to be out of the big jumper castle. I put him on the ground and he started crawling around and checking things out. He found a bench and enjoyed just hitting it.

Peter wasn't the only "little one". There were kids of all ages there, but it definitely seemed like it was more fun for the 2-4 year old range. I actually was talking with one of the mommies who has two older boys and she offered us some of the clothes they have grown out of. SCORE!

After about 20 minutes of playing on the floor I decided to try the bouncer again. I even took in one of his balls from home to play with. This time we had a lot more luck. Peter sat in between my legs and watched things for a few minutes and then he began to venture out on his own and even crawled a few feet away from me.

He figured out that he could bounce his body and he rocked himself back and forth a few times.
After, we all got to sit down and enjoy some Valentine's cupcakes and juice.

I'm so glad that he learned to have fun there after an overwhelming beginning. I think I just need to remember to take a few toys from home to play with next time and to ease him into it. We are signed up to go again in 2 weeks!

We went in one of the no-frills bouncers and Peter got scared. It was loud noises for the blowers, then music blaring over them, then lots of action with the kids, and a ground that wasn't stable. He didn't know what to think!

I tried to lay down next to him in the bouncer but he just tried to climb on my face. (You can see my face under his hand in this picture.)

For about 15 minutes we laid down or sat together in the bouncer and he just clung to me like a little monkey the entire time.

We finally decided to get out and try something different.

Peter liked to be out of the big jumper castle. I put him on the ground and he started crawling around and checking things out. He found a bench and enjoyed just hitting it.

Peter wasn't the only "little one". There were kids of all ages there, but it definitely seemed like it was more fun for the 2-4 year old range. I actually was talking with one of the mommies who has two older boys and she offered us some of the clothes they have grown out of. SCORE!

After about 20 minutes of playing on the floor I decided to try the bouncer again. I even took in one of his balls from home to play with. This time we had a lot more luck. Peter sat in between my legs and watched things for a few minutes and then he began to venture out on his own and even crawled a few feet away from me.

He figured out that he could bounce his body and he rocked himself back and forth a few times.
After, we all got to sit down and enjoy some Valentine's cupcakes and juice.

I'm so glad that he learned to have fun there after an overwhelming beginning. I think I just need to remember to take a few toys from home to play with next time and to ease him into it. We are signed up to go again in 2 weeks!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Day in the Life
I am getting to be a big boy now! I have a bunch of things to do every day and thought I'd share them with you.
I need to make sure that every day I play with my dog, Gizmo. I like to grab his collar and try to eat his ears. He's a good dog and just ends up licking my face and making me giggle.

Sometimes he likes to take my toys or food and I need to give him a stern look to get them back.

If my chair is next to the couch I can climb up onto the couch. It makes mommy nervous but I just bounce up and down to tease her.

I also like to lean over the edge of the couch. Things just look different from that position.

Then guess what I's a hint!

I take a bath! Lately I've enjoyed chewing on my letter sponges. They are nice and soft.

When I get tired of splashing I like to standup and try to get out of the tub all on my own!

I help mommy cook dinner alot. She lets me have a pot and spoon. I play with that a little bit but I really like to try to open all the cupboard while she is cooking. I don't really get anything out of them, I just like to bang them open and closed. Tonight mommy made Cheeseburger Macaroni and green beans. She even let me taste some of it. I kinda liked the green beans but the macaroni I ended up throwing to the dog.

Tonight I helped mommy do the laundry. She was getting clothes out of this basket so I thought I'd help her by climbing into it.

It went kinda slowly because it was hard to get to all the clothes that I was on top of.

Then we went to the bookshelf to pick out a book.

I have LOTS and LOTS of books. We got most of them at the library's used book sale. We decided to read a touch-and-feel book about baby animals. My favorite animals were the bunny and the gorilla because those pages were extra furry. I can turn pages now so I kept going back to those!

It's a busy day, even when we stay home! There is lots to explore and lots of things to help mommy and daddy with. I was so excited tonight that I just wanted to crawl around my room and play with toys but eventually mommy put on some lullaby music and we rocked a little in my rocking chair. Then she put me in my crib with Chewy and I fell asleep.
I need to make sure that every day I play with my dog, Gizmo. I like to grab his collar and try to eat his ears. He's a good dog and just ends up licking my face and making me giggle.

Sometimes he likes to take my toys or food and I need to give him a stern look to get them back.

If my chair is next to the couch I can climb up onto the couch. It makes mommy nervous but I just bounce up and down to tease her.

I also like to lean over the edge of the couch. Things just look different from that position.

Then guess what I's a hint!

I take a bath! Lately I've enjoyed chewing on my letter sponges. They are nice and soft.

When I get tired of splashing I like to standup and try to get out of the tub all on my own!

I help mommy cook dinner alot. She lets me have a pot and spoon. I play with that a little bit but I really like to try to open all the cupboard while she is cooking. I don't really get anything out of them, I just like to bang them open and closed. Tonight mommy made Cheeseburger Macaroni and green beans. She even let me taste some of it. I kinda liked the green beans but the macaroni I ended up throwing to the dog.

Tonight I helped mommy do the laundry. She was getting clothes out of this basket so I thought I'd help her by climbing into it.

It went kinda slowly because it was hard to get to all the clothes that I was on top of.

Then we went to the bookshelf to pick out a book.

I have LOTS and LOTS of books. We got most of them at the library's used book sale. We decided to read a touch-and-feel book about baby animals. My favorite animals were the bunny and the gorilla because those pages were extra furry. I can turn pages now so I kept going back to those!

It's a busy day, even when we stay home! There is lots to explore and lots of things to help mommy and daddy with. I was so excited tonight that I just wanted to crawl around my room and play with toys but eventually mommy put on some lullaby music and we rocked a little in my rocking chair. Then she put me in my crib with Chewy and I fell asleep.
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