In the meantime, I haven't left the house and Peter has missed all his activities this week. I think he's getting a little bored around the apartment. I let him play in his room this morning and dig out a few new toys to bring out front. He's found a few new toys of his own though.
#1 The trash can. He started noticing that we open and close it and now he's figured out how to open it himself! And if we try to prevent him from opening it he just knocks it over. Little stinker. Maybe we need a new sturdy garbage can.
#2 Not new, but the pets are always a fun toy. Especially when the cat is trying to get away from him. Peter will just chase him all over the living room.
#3 Anything climbable. Peter is starting his journey into becoming a monkey! We have a plastic storage tub in our living room that we keep some of his toys in and Peter has figured out how to climb onto it. Sometimes he just likes to sit on top of it but other times he gets more adventurous and decides to climb from it onto the couch. I've started taking the couch cushions off and putting them on the floor for a "safety" climb. With the cushions off he's able to get straight onto the couch. Then he'll go to the armrest and hang his head over to look at the floor. It scares the heck out of me!!
He does that in the bathroom too. It's like he's trying to figure out how to climb into the bathtub...and figures he'll just keep bending over the tub until he falls in head first!
Oh, he also tries to climb into the dishwasher when I'm loading it!
Other things going on this week:
Peter has found that he can snort. When he gets really excited about something he starts breathing heavy then snorts as he crawls off to get it. It's the funniest thing! I've got no clue where that came from.
John went to the dentist and came back with a bill of over $20,000 to fix his teeth, after insurance. We are on the hunt for other ways we can get his teeth fixed.
I finally got our w2's. When I'm feeling better I can get all the taxes done and out!
Our stroller is officially being reimbursed and we should have a check next week.
Peter got the shirt in these photos from Oma & Opa's trip to Prague.
Peter had his 9 month check up. He weighs 19 lbs and is 29 inches long. Growing fast!

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