Our bouncing baby boy...
Friday, January 30, 2009
Gymboree family day!
Today mom was finally feeling pretty good! About 95% better!!! Yahoo!!! Plus dad was off work and home for the day! We took the luxury of everyone taking a morning nap and then during the afternoon we went to Gymboree for the first time. The Meetup Moms group that we are a part of had booked a party so we went and got to play and explore and hang out with other families. About half the babies had their daddies there too!
We brought the camera. Mom is getting better at aiming without the viewscreen. About half the shots were usuable and some were even good! Yay!!!

We brought the camera. Mom is getting better at aiming without the viewscreen. About half the shots were usuable and some were even good! Yay!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Mommy's Sick and Baby's Bored
It's been a slow week in our household. Everything kinda came to a screeching halt Sunday night when mommy ended up with a stomach bug. My whole digestive system has been on the attack and I really wish mommies could have sick days. As of Thursday morning I'm just beginning to eat soup, bananas and rice to try to stabalize me and even got some of that probiotic yogurt. Also trying to stay hydrated. Hope it will go away soon and my insides won't feel all churning.
In the meantime, I haven't left the house and Peter has missed all his activities this week. I think he's getting a little bored around the apartment. I let him play in his room this morning and dig out a few new toys to bring out front. He's found a few new toys of his own though.
#1 The trash can. He started noticing that we open and close it and now he's figured out how to open it himself! And if we try to prevent him from opening it he just knocks it over. Little stinker. Maybe we need a new sturdy garbage can.
#2 Not new, but the pets are always a fun toy. Especially when the cat is trying to get away from him. Peter will just chase him all over the living room.
#3 Anything climbable. Peter is starting his journey into becoming a monkey! We have a plastic storage tub in our living room that we keep some of his toys in and Peter has figured out how to climb onto it. Sometimes he just likes to sit on top of it but other times he gets more adventurous and decides to climb from it onto the couch. I've started taking the couch cushions off and putting them on the floor for a "safety" climb. With the cushions off he's able to get straight onto the couch. Then he'll go to the armrest and hang his head over to look at the floor. It scares the heck out of me!!
He does that in the bathroom too. It's like he's trying to figure out how to climb into the bathtub...and figures he'll just keep bending over the tub until he falls in head first!
Oh, he also tries to climb into the dishwasher when I'm loading it!
Other things going on this week:
Peter has found that he can snort. When he gets really excited about something he starts breathing heavy then snorts as he crawls off to get it. It's the funniest thing! I've got no clue where that came from.
John went to the dentist and came back with a bill of over $20,000 to fix his teeth, after insurance. We are on the hunt for other ways we can get his teeth fixed.
I finally got our w2's. When I'm feeling better I can get all the taxes done and out!
Our stroller is officially being reimbursed and we should have a check next week.
Peter got the shirt in these photos from Oma & Opa's trip to Prague.
Peter had his 9 month check up. He weighs 19 lbs and is 29 inches long. Growing fast!

In the meantime, I haven't left the house and Peter has missed all his activities this week. I think he's getting a little bored around the apartment. I let him play in his room this morning and dig out a few new toys to bring out front. He's found a few new toys of his own though.
#1 The trash can. He started noticing that we open and close it and now he's figured out how to open it himself! And if we try to prevent him from opening it he just knocks it over. Little stinker. Maybe we need a new sturdy garbage can.
#2 Not new, but the pets are always a fun toy. Especially when the cat is trying to get away from him. Peter will just chase him all over the living room.
#3 Anything climbable. Peter is starting his journey into becoming a monkey! We have a plastic storage tub in our living room that we keep some of his toys in and Peter has figured out how to climb onto it. Sometimes he just likes to sit on top of it but other times he gets more adventurous and decides to climb from it onto the couch. I've started taking the couch cushions off and putting them on the floor for a "safety" climb. With the cushions off he's able to get straight onto the couch. Then he'll go to the armrest and hang his head over to look at the floor. It scares the heck out of me!!
He does that in the bathroom too. It's like he's trying to figure out how to climb into the bathtub...and figures he'll just keep bending over the tub until he falls in head first!
Oh, he also tries to climb into the dishwasher when I'm loading it!
Other things going on this week:
Peter has found that he can snort. When he gets really excited about something he starts breathing heavy then snorts as he crawls off to get it. It's the funniest thing! I've got no clue where that came from.
John went to the dentist and came back with a bill of over $20,000 to fix his teeth, after insurance. We are on the hunt for other ways we can get his teeth fixed.
I finally got our w2's. When I'm feeling better I can get all the taxes done and out!
Our stroller is officially being reimbursed and we should have a check next week.
Peter got the shirt in these photos from Oma & Opa's trip to Prague.
Peter had his 9 month check up. He weighs 19 lbs and is 29 inches long. Growing fast!

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Just some pictures from before the camera died.

"Mom, would you PLEASE take the Xmas bow off my back."

Naked baby!

Eating breakfast at Crackerbarrel. Peter's latest favorite food is: blueberries!

Browsing for books at the library. Peter is an expert at taking books OFF the shelves.

No, Peter didn't clear these bookshelves...but he tried to push the ones out the other side!

"What?!? I didn't do it!"

Peter likes to look out the front door window while daddy grills. He'll smile, hit the window and sometimes even press his face to the glass.

"Mom, would you PLEASE take the Xmas bow off my back."

Naked baby!

Eating breakfast at Crackerbarrel. Peter's latest favorite food is: blueberries!

Browsing for books at the library. Peter is an expert at taking books OFF the shelves.

No, Peter didn't clear these bookshelves...but he tried to push the ones out the other side!

"What?!? I didn't do it!"

Peter likes to look out the front door window while daddy grills. He'll smile, hit the window and sometimes even press his face to the glass.

Friday, January 23, 2009
R.I.P. Kodak EasyShare
I am in mourning.
This afternoon, I opened my diaper bag to discover that a major injustice had befallen my beloved camera. The LCD screen on the back had been cracked and the pixels were all shattered into a mighty mess of black and white streaks.
I think it was a victim of our playdate this morning. I suspect that it was a toddler hit-and-run. At one point I found one of the little kids running over my diaper bag with the camera inside it. I thought nothing much of it until I saw the damage that had been done. :(
It still *kinda* works in that I can guesstimate what's in the picture frame, but I will need to get a new camera. And looking online it looks like I can get a better camera now for less than I paid for this one. Do you suppose I can pass it off as a Valentine's present? Does anyone have any recommendations for cameras?
Oh, beloved Kodak camera, we will miss you. You were with us throughout our pregnancy and the first 10 months of Peter's life. You have preserved thousands of happy moments for us and we will never forget you!!! Rest in pieces!
This afternoon, I opened my diaper bag to discover that a major injustice had befallen my beloved camera. The LCD screen on the back had been cracked and the pixels were all shattered into a mighty mess of black and white streaks.
I think it was a victim of our playdate this morning. I suspect that it was a toddler hit-and-run. At one point I found one of the little kids running over my diaper bag with the camera inside it. I thought nothing much of it until I saw the damage that had been done. :(
It still *kinda* works in that I can guesstimate what's in the picture frame, but I will need to get a new camera. And looking online it looks like I can get a better camera now for less than I paid for this one. Do you suppose I can pass it off as a Valentine's present? Does anyone have any recommendations for cameras?
Oh, beloved Kodak camera, we will miss you. You were with us throughout our pregnancy and the first 10 months of Peter's life. You have preserved thousands of happy moments for us and we will never forget you!!! Rest in pieces!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
10 Good News Items
It's a day of good news!
#1 We have a new President!!! (Had to put it, that's the best news of all!)
#2 Johnny is back starting classes at Pima Community College and has the same instructor as last semester. Glad he knows this guy and what is expected of him.
#3 We got John's car back after work and its running!!! FINALLY!!! It's been a big saga with that sucker. First the window, then the battery and alternator, lastly the timing chain...and to top it all off the timing chain kinda shattered and damaged a few other parts in the process...ARGH! BUT after making a huge dent in our pocketbook it is running again like a champ. John is SOOOOO happy to finally have his car (and freedom) back.
#4 This week we only spent about $50 on groceries! AWESOME! And our freezer and cupboards are packed with stuff, too. Ten dollars was purely on a variety of baby foods to try. Tonight it was Chicken Noodle dinner mixed with cereal. Yumm!
#5 I applied and got approved for a discount on our phone. Saves us about $120 a year. Woohoo!! I'm still waiting to hear about a power discount I applied for.
#6 I got my W-2 and found a place that will help me do our taxes for free this year through the library. I'm anxiously awaiting John's W-2. We had alot going on this year. With the addition of baby, our deductible medical and education bills, and some donations we made to clear out the house I am really hoping for a decent refund this year. That would be so nice.
#7 Our dog seems to be feeling much better and is happier after his visit to the vet a few weeks ago.
#8 The paperwork for our stroller is off and on its way to get reimbursed after getting lost in the airport over Xmas. They still say they have 30 days, but that time is almost up. I'll be happy to get my big comfy stroller back.
#9 There's a new American Idol on tonight!!! I love that show!!! I watched it when I was in the hospital having Peter last spring. Every other channel kinda sucked and it was comforting to have something "from home" there to distract me. I'm excited for the new season!
#10 By the time I finished typing this blog baby was asleep in bed. It was actually kinda a rough night just because some dummy was running a trucksize generator outside the bedroom windows. You can't really hear it out front but when I went to put baby down to sleep the whole room was shaking and it sounded like a chainsaw. Bedtime got pushed to about an hour later than normal as we waited for them to shut down. (I just hope that's it for tonight.)
#1 We have a new President!!! (Had to put it, that's the best news of all!)
#2 Johnny is back starting classes at Pima Community College and has the same instructor as last semester. Glad he knows this guy and what is expected of him.
#3 We got John's car back after work and its running!!! FINALLY!!! It's been a big saga with that sucker. First the window, then the battery and alternator, lastly the timing chain...and to top it all off the timing chain kinda shattered and damaged a few other parts in the process...ARGH! BUT after making a huge dent in our pocketbook it is running again like a champ. John is SOOOOO happy to finally have his car (and freedom) back.
#4 This week we only spent about $50 on groceries! AWESOME! And our freezer and cupboards are packed with stuff, too. Ten dollars was purely on a variety of baby foods to try. Tonight it was Chicken Noodle dinner mixed with cereal. Yumm!
#5 I applied and got approved for a discount on our phone. Saves us about $120 a year. Woohoo!! I'm still waiting to hear about a power discount I applied for.
#6 I got my W-2 and found a place that will help me do our taxes for free this year through the library. I'm anxiously awaiting John's W-2. We had alot going on this year. With the addition of baby, our deductible medical and education bills, and some donations we made to clear out the house I am really hoping for a decent refund this year. That would be so nice.
#7 Our dog seems to be feeling much better and is happier after his visit to the vet a few weeks ago.
#8 The paperwork for our stroller is off and on its way to get reimbursed after getting lost in the airport over Xmas. They still say they have 30 days, but that time is almost up. I'll be happy to get my big comfy stroller back.
#9 There's a new American Idol on tonight!!! I love that show!!! I watched it when I was in the hospital having Peter last spring. Every other channel kinda sucked and it was comforting to have something "from home" there to distract me. I'm excited for the new season!
#10 By the time I finished typing this blog baby was asleep in bed. It was actually kinda a rough night just because some dummy was running a trucksize generator outside the bedroom windows. You can't really hear it out front but when I went to put baby down to sleep the whole room was shaking and it sounded like a chainsaw. Bedtime got pushed to about an hour later than normal as we waited for them to shut down. (I just hope that's it for tonight.)
New Discoveries
Peter has discovered 2 new AMAZING things in our home.
#1 There is this white fluffy stuff on a roll in the bathroom and when you pull on it more comes to you. And you can keep pulling on it over and over and over until the floor is covered in the stuff!! And then you can try to eat it. But it doesn't taste very good.
#2 The doors in the kitchen open. And behind them are fun things like baby juice, pots and pans, and dog food. The dog is waiting anxiously for the dog food to be found and knocked over. Daddy is busy trying to find a way to keep the cabinets closed in an apartment we aren't allowed to modify.
#1 There is this white fluffy stuff on a roll in the bathroom and when you pull on it more comes to you. And you can keep pulling on it over and over and over until the floor is covered in the stuff!! And then you can try to eat it. But it doesn't taste very good.
#2 The doors in the kitchen open. And behind them are fun things like baby juice, pots and pans, and dog food. The dog is waiting anxiously for the dog food to be found and knocked over. Daddy is busy trying to find a way to keep the cabinets closed in an apartment we aren't allowed to modify.

Inauguration Day 2009
It's Inauguration Day! There is a new President in the White House and excitement is in the air! I am still in awe and disbelief that it has finally come to pass. I'm hoping that this new presidency can inspire hope and brotherhood to our nation.
I think its so amazing that such a momentous event occurred during Peter's first year on this planet. I believe its just a sign of many great things that will happen during his lifetime.
We went to baby gym class today and I dressed Peter in his new "My Momma's for Obama" t-shirt. We recorded the events on our tivo. I can't wait to watch. I loved going to whitehouse.gov and seeing a new face greeting me.
Cheers to everyone on our new president, here's to believing his administration can live up to our hopes. Proud to be an American today!

I think its so amazing that such a momentous event occurred during Peter's first year on this planet. I believe its just a sign of many great things that will happen during his lifetime.
We went to baby gym class today and I dressed Peter in his new "My Momma's for Obama" t-shirt. We recorded the events on our tivo. I can't wait to watch. I loved going to whitehouse.gov and seeing a new face greeting me.
Cheers to everyone on our new president, here's to believing his administration can live up to our hopes. Proud to be an American today!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Four Day Weekend
John has had a 4-day weekend this week and we've been busy! We went to play at the mall's playground then ate at the food court. We made it to library storytime. Jen got a haircut while Peter was busy playing with combs the ladies kept handing him. Saturday morning we ate breakfast at Crackerbarrel and went browsing Circuit City before they close. No good sales so we left empty-handed. The Buick is in the shop for repairs and we hope it is running again by Monday.
Peter is eating ALOT these days. I dare say he is almost getting tired of mom feeding him...but not quite. This week he's gotten the opportunity to try rice, scrambled eggs, toast, and orange slices. He downs probably 1/4 cup of cereal and baby food at dinner along with about 3 oz of juice or water.
He's a baby-sized bottomless pit! And oh boy! Diapers have been fun too!!!
Peter likes to take all our movies off the shelf. We spend time every night re-stacking them.
John tried to get Peter to crawl through the tunnel at the mall's playland. Peter is still a little apprehensive of it, but he did go through it once.
Peter is exploring the entire room during storytime at the library. He just doesn't stay still! He went over to check out another baby's stroller during song time. Peter almost refuses to stay in my lap at groups. He'd rather be set loose to go visit everyone and explore the corners of the room. This week Peter remembered where the toys were stored and went over to the table looking up at the toys then back at me or the group leader. He knew what he wanted!
Eating the jingle bells at the library. Our friend Kai wanted to steal them. We've known Kai since Peter was 3 months old.
Peter is eating ALOT these days. I dare say he is almost getting tired of mom feeding him...but not quite. This week he's gotten the opportunity to try rice, scrambled eggs, toast, and orange slices. He downs probably 1/4 cup of cereal and baby food at dinner along with about 3 oz of juice or water.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Scaling new heights
Just some fun photos I thought I'd share!
Big news of the day: Peter learned how to climb steps!!! We went to the Reel Mom movies. A bunch of moms and babies at the movies and the lights are still left half up and no one cares if babies are moving or making noise. Since the floors were pretty clean Peter got to explore with the other babies. He tried to go up the first step a couple times before finally getting it. After that he ended up climbing about 7 steps like he'd been doing it forever! Go Peter!

Peter doing the splits...he's starting to think about trying to stand up on his own. No success yet, but the thought is there!

Mommy peeking at Peter in his car seat.

I put Peter's front room toys in a little blue box and every once in a while trade it out with toys from his big toy box. Lately Peter has figured out that its more efficient just to climb into the little box then he's surrounded by all his toys instead of bending in digging through it. Silly baby.

Same thing a different day! Fell into his toy box! Fun at first...

...then not so fun when he couldn't get out!
Don't worry, mommy rescued him.
Big news of the day: Peter learned how to climb steps!!! We went to the Reel Mom movies. A bunch of moms and babies at the movies and the lights are still left half up and no one cares if babies are moving or making noise. Since the floors were pretty clean Peter got to explore with the other babies. He tried to go up the first step a couple times before finally getting it. After that he ended up climbing about 7 steps like he'd been doing it forever! Go Peter!

Peter doing the splits...he's starting to think about trying to stand up on his own. No success yet, but the thought is there!

Mommy peeking at Peter in his car seat.

I put Peter's front room toys in a little blue box and every once in a while trade it out with toys from his big toy box. Lately Peter has figured out that its more efficient just to climb into the little box then he's surrounded by all his toys instead of bending in digging through it. Silly baby.

Same thing a different day! Fell into his toy box! Fun at first...

...then not so fun when he couldn't get out!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Step-by-step (video)
Just taking a few steps. Peter was too distracted by all the other things going on in the room to focus much on walking! But he got a few steps in anyway...we'll work on more for next week.
Movers & Shakers
Today we went to our new Movers & Shakers class at the community center. It's a group with about a dozen other babies. They have gymnastic stuff set up all over the gym floor. Peter practiced the balance beam again, did some somersaults and even tried hanging from the gymnastics bar then doing a flip around it. He had so much fun!!! It's a nice little class there and I love that he gets introduced to different ways to move his body and new things to climb on. Plus the added bonus is that he's getting worn out doing something other than pulling our DVD's off the shelf!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Lots of quick updates
We've had alot going on so here's a brief overview:
Peter is AMAZINGLY curious and doesn't like to sit still. He'll crawl all over the house now and likes to explore all the nooks and crannies. He popped the molding off of the corner of the kitchen cabinet because he kept pulling at it! He stands up and cruises around the furniture like an expert. Sometimes though he'll try to get over and around things and ends up getting stuck and can't get out of his weird yoga moves and he gets scared and starts to cry for help.

Our dog Gizmo is amazingly tolerant. Peter is fascinated by his dog tag. He likes to grab it and pull on it, almost choking the dog. Peter also thinks that Gizmo's ears might taste good and he's started trying to get them in his mouth. Gizmo puts up with it somehow, I think he likes the attention.

Peter may not like peas (see previous video) but he does like carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, cheerios, egg yolks, and his puffs cereal. We even got him to eat peas as long as its mixed in with one called "vegetable medley".

Peter and I started going to the Movers & Shakers baby class offered by the Parks & Rec dept. I found it funny that when we got there all the other babies were content to just sit in their mom's laps. But Peter wanted down to crawl and explore. He crawled around to some of the other babies to say hello, crawled to the brick wall to hit it a few times cause it felt different... He just did not have the patience to sit with mom and sing songs. There were too many other things to check out!
The class is held at one of the community center gyms and they get out all kinds of gymnastic equipment to play with. Peter got to walk his first balance beam! They also had a push-cart type thing for him to walk with and he loved having so much room to push it around! I tried to stay a little in front of it though, on the gym mats it moved so fast he would have fallen on his face.

Peter still likes to walk around with his tongue out. Not sure where that came from, but its funny. I think part of it is just folding his top lip under helps his top gums...he's still working on those two front teeth.

The Buick is still sitting in the parking lot. Something is funky with it starting and we've just exhausted what we can do here at home. We are waiting until pay day to get it back down to the shop to have experts look at it.
Updates on my resolution to live healthier, physically and financially:
After Xmas, turkey dropped to $0.46/lb so we bought a turkey and I tried to cook my first turkey ever. It worked!! I didn't do anything fancy to it, but I was happy nonetheless. Lots of healthy meat for cheap!
I've started eating broccoli and cauliflower. Just needed to be eased into it. Started with a little with some spray butter and now I can eat lots. Though I only do them cooked, not raw.
I got a book from the library about maximizing your grocery budget, couponing, and such. I hope to learn a few more tricks. Last time I went grocery shopping we ran the numbers and I save about 40% off the given cost through price matching and coupons. I love saving $$! It's such a rush!
I've worked out a few times, though not as much as I would like because of the car situation. Hopefully that will be remedied soon!
Tomorrow I'm going to the library book sale. I'm budgeted $5 for a whole bag of books and movies. That should get me through for a while! :-D
I made dentist appointments for us adults. John has dental insurance and neither one of us has seen a dentist in years. I will be glad to get that done, even if its a little daunting!
I got Peter's 9 month check up scheduled. I can't believe my baby is 9 months old already. He's not really an infant anymore...soon he'll be a toddler! He's a little too wobbly still to be called that yet though.
Peter is AMAZINGLY curious and doesn't like to sit still. He'll crawl all over the house now and likes to explore all the nooks and crannies. He popped the molding off of the corner of the kitchen cabinet because he kept pulling at it! He stands up and cruises around the furniture like an expert. Sometimes though he'll try to get over and around things and ends up getting stuck and can't get out of his weird yoga moves and he gets scared and starts to cry for help.

Our dog Gizmo is amazingly tolerant. Peter is fascinated by his dog tag. He likes to grab it and pull on it, almost choking the dog. Peter also thinks that Gizmo's ears might taste good and he's started trying to get them in his mouth. Gizmo puts up with it somehow, I think he likes the attention.

Peter may not like peas (see previous video) but he does like carrots, sweet potatoes, applesauce, cheerios, egg yolks, and his puffs cereal. We even got him to eat peas as long as its mixed in with one called "vegetable medley".

Peter and I started going to the Movers & Shakers baby class offered by the Parks & Rec dept. I found it funny that when we got there all the other babies were content to just sit in their mom's laps. But Peter wanted down to crawl and explore. He crawled around to some of the other babies to say hello, crawled to the brick wall to hit it a few times cause it felt different... He just did not have the patience to sit with mom and sing songs. There were too many other things to check out!
The class is held at one of the community center gyms and they get out all kinds of gymnastic equipment to play with. Peter got to walk his first balance beam! They also had a push-cart type thing for him to walk with and he loved having so much room to push it around! I tried to stay a little in front of it though, on the gym mats it moved so fast he would have fallen on his face.

Peter still likes to walk around with his tongue out. Not sure where that came from, but its funny. I think part of it is just folding his top lip under helps his top gums...he's still working on those two front teeth.

The Buick is still sitting in the parking lot. Something is funky with it starting and we've just exhausted what we can do here at home. We are waiting until pay day to get it back down to the shop to have experts look at it.
Updates on my resolution to live healthier, physically and financially:
After Xmas, turkey dropped to $0.46/lb so we bought a turkey and I tried to cook my first turkey ever. It worked!! I didn't do anything fancy to it, but I was happy nonetheless. Lots of healthy meat for cheap!
I've started eating broccoli and cauliflower. Just needed to be eased into it. Started with a little with some spray butter and now I can eat lots. Though I only do them cooked, not raw.
I got a book from the library about maximizing your grocery budget, couponing, and such. I hope to learn a few more tricks. Last time I went grocery shopping we ran the numbers and I save about 40% off the given cost through price matching and coupons. I love saving $$! It's such a rush!
I've worked out a few times, though not as much as I would like because of the car situation. Hopefully that will be remedied soon!
Tomorrow I'm going to the library book sale. I'm budgeted $5 for a whole bag of books and movies. That should get me through for a while! :-D
I made dentist appointments for us adults. John has dental insurance and neither one of us has seen a dentist in years. I will be glad to get that done, even if its a little daunting!
I got Peter's 9 month check up scheduled. I can't believe my baby is 9 months old already. He's not really an infant anymore...soon he'll be a toddler! He's a little too wobbly still to be called that yet though.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I found Chewy!!!
Oh my god! This morning I was looking for a piece of paper I lost and was moving around the computer corner and I found Chewy the First! He was hiding under the Mac computer!!!
Yay!!! We have 2 Chewy's now!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! I'm gonna make one of them stay in Peter's crib so I always know one is safe.
Of course I'm still looking for that piece of paper I lost... :-P
Yay!!! We have 2 Chewy's now!! AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!!! I'm gonna make one of them stay in Peter's crib so I always know one is safe.
Of course I'm still looking for that piece of paper I lost... :-P
Monday, January 5, 2009
This week Peter has learned to flush the toilet. He likes to make a bee-line for the bathroom, stands up next to the toilet and...FLUSH!!!
Then he looks at me and grins.
Silly baby!
Guess it's time to close the bathroom door!
Then he looks at me and grins.
Silly baby!
Guess it's time to close the bathroom door!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Bl-bl-bl-bl-blaaaaa! (video)
Lately Peter has discovered his tongue and has been having lots of fun crawling around waggling it, sticking it out at people, blowing raspberries, and just making noises with it. We spend a good portion of our day sticking our tongue out at him and making him giggle.
Here's a little sample of what we get back every day.
Here's a little sample of what we get back every day.
Move on down the road... (video)
Tonight while Peter was crawling around the floor like a maniac he wandered over by his walking toy that we got him for Xmas, pulled himself up, and started pushing it and hobbling across the floor!! Out of the blue...he'd never done it before...he just figured it out all by himself!
Over Xmas my sister started to teach him how to walk holding onto her hands and he's done that easier and easier once we got home.
I was able to get some video, it's dark, but I figure it will do the job for now. Just wanted to share it.
I am so proud of him!!! My little boy!!!!!
Over Xmas my sister started to teach him how to walk holding onto her hands and he's done that easier and easier once we got home.
I was able to get some video, it's dark, but I figure it will do the job for now. Just wanted to share it.
I am so proud of him!!! My little boy!!!!!
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year's at the Park (pics + video)
Today we went to the Meetup Moms New Year's Day celebration at the park. It was a potluck with a bunch of other mommies, daddies, and kiddies. We had BEAUTIFUL weather, it's about the mid-70's today and not a cloud in the sky. We got some sun, played around alot and just relaxed a bit.

Peter had a great time digging in the dirt, mom and dad stayed busy keeping the dirt from going in his mouth.
While digging in the dirt was fun Peter looked like he wanted to go run after the big kids and play on the jungle gym. Soon, Peter...soon.
Dad and Peter hanging out.
Mom and Peter packing up to head home, pretty mountains in the background.

Peter had a great time digging in the dirt, mom and dad stayed busy keeping the dirt from going in his mouth.

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