Peter and I arrived safely in Iowa on Wednesday morning. Traveling alone with baby wasn't too bad. Hardest part was probably the packed like a sardine plane while trying to hold and nurse a baby. Peter didn't want to stay in my lap the whole time and I ended up letting him crawl a little in the aisle and we also went back to visit the stewardesses in the galley for a little bit. It was funny to see him try to stand when the airplane wasn't perfectly steady.
My Aunt Kim and her kids (my cousins) Allison and Michael met us at the airport in Chicago. They had a heck of a morning drive because there was about 4 inches of snow the night before and the streets weren't all clear yet. But amazingly they arrived just in time to help me get my luggage, give me some extra blankets to cover Peter and then run out to the warmth of the car.
Allison and Michael had the fun job of making sure Peter was all dressed and warm. The joke of the day was that Peter kept loosing his shoes. He's never really worn them in Tucson, but I figured in the cold winter of Iowa I wanted more protection on his little toes.
Allison and Michael trying to get Peter's shoes on for lunch.
Aunt Kim cuddling Peter.
ousin Allison holding the sleeping baby.
All bundled up to stay warm!
Aunt Kim bought Peter some warm fleece pajamas after Peter had trouble sleeping the first night. In Tucson I don't have anything near heavy enough to keep him warm at night here. We've now bought more than enough warm clothes for him. I even bought him a Santa fleece blanket and he's slept better every night since.

There's about 4 inches of snow on the ground and then last night we got another inch of pure ice. The streets are like a skating rink. We've been stuck inside Aunt Kim's house since we arrived on Wednesday night. Hopefully they'll have the streets cleaned soon. Oma and Opa arrive from Germany tomorrow night and we'd really like to see them at the airport.
Looking at the snow and ice outside.
1 comment:
Look at them cheeks and eyes! OMG!
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