Well we got to SEE snow...but by the time they said "GO!" there were so many kids there I wasn't gonna fight my way through them. It turned into absolute pandemonium!!! Snow flying, kids squeeling. They were having so much fun it totally got me in the holiday mood even if we didn't get to the snow.
I decided we may as well head back into the mall and towards our car to beat the rush. And guess who we see in front of us in the mall?!?! SANTA!!! And Mrs. Claus was there too!!! They were walking to there little mall setup. We ended up walking right behind them.
So I figured, lets just follow them and maybe we'll see Santa today. Peter ended up being the first kid this season to see Santa!!! SO COOL!!!! And he didn't even cry. He was kinda checking Santa out a little bit but he was REALLY good. No screaming baby here. I was so proud!

he looks unsure...doesn't know what to think about this crazy old man wearing red!
I love that look he's giving Santa. He'll probably look at Grandpa Jim that same way! That a classic Christmas picture. So cute! We've got plenty of snow here for Peter to play in!!!!
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