Peter is 7 months old! I can't believe how fast it's gone. He's no longer an infant! He's turned into a little boy and is figuring out the world.
Our last doctors appointment Peter measured in at the top 95% in height but only 35% in weight. He is a tall skinny boy, weighing in at a slim 17 lbs. He must get it from his dad. Alot of his onesies and T-shirts are now measuring in the 9-12 month range already.
It's been a milestone month.
#1 Peter's first Halloween! Halloween is big in our family since John and I got married on Halloween four years ago. We got some great pics done at JCPenney's of him in a dragon costume we borrowed from a friend. We went trick-or-treating the weekend before halloween at Trail Dust Town. It was fun to see all the little kiddies dressed up. Peter didn't quite know what to make of it but he did pretty good just looking around at everything. Unfortunately our entire family ended up being sick with a bad cold and fever on Halloween so we didn't get out then.
#2 Peter started being afraid of the dark! There were a couple nights where we put him to bed in the darkness and he'd just start screaming like a banshee! Then one night we were out shopping and he was super happy in the store. By the time we got out of the store the sun had gone down. Peter screamed on the whole ride home then when we got into the house with lights he was happy again. Finally I figured out that if I put him down with a little light on he went right to sleep.
#3 Early last week Peter started pulling himself up to his knees in his crib! He kept trying to get his feet under him but they would end up dangling out the side of the crib. I started to worry and bugged John that I needed him to put the crib mattress down and he put it off to Thursday, his next day off. Friday morning Peter was STANDING when I went to get him up. Ever since he has been trying to stand grabbing onto everything from the couch to the tv stand.

#4 With his increased mobility its certainly easy to tell what he wants...and harder for me to get away. Peter may be perfectly happy playing with a toy but if I go to get a drink in the kitchen he will slither after me and soon be peeking around the corner. And if he wants to eat or cuddle he will stop playing and start crawling towards me whining. He certainly knows how to look pathetic crawling to me on the couch...he will start grabbing at the couch, pull himself up, and then hit my leg until I pick him up. Inevitably this happens when I have just sat down to eat. John tries to distract him so I can eat my food, but Peter knows what he wants!
#5 Peter definately has some favorite toys now. He gets excited at the sight of "Chewy" a washcloth dog with teethers at the corners. He loves his chair that makes music and lights up. He will kneel in front of it, set the music off then bounce up and down on his knees to the music. I'm trying to make it a point to have him play with toys that don't have all the "bells and whistles" of lights and music. And we are also trying to stay away from character-driven stuff. (Like disney or sesame street stuff) I figure there's enough time for that later.

#6 Peter "graduated" from two of the baby classes that we have been attending. I am so sad! I was enjoying going to play with other babies and I know that he enjoyed the different games and people he got to interact with. It was a life-saver (aka sanity-saver) for me when he was first born because I really didn't know how to play with a baby and they helped teach me a lot. But after 6 months those programs are fee-based and we simply don't have the fees. It's crazy when you look at it. It's cheaper to take a college course than it is to continue our favorite baby gym! I'll have to do some research and find different things for us to do during the week.

#7 Peter started playing tug-of-war with the puppy over his toys. Apparently since Gizmo likes a toy that means it must be REALLY fun. Peter will race across the room to try to get a toy before the dog. It's fun to watch but we try to intercept it before it goes to far. Thankfully the Giz just thinks he's someone else to play with.

#8 We also got the appearance of our first and second teeth! Both are the middle bottom teeth. He looks like a little jack-o-lantern! They are super sharp and hurt. He seems to think that my fingers and toes are good things to try to get in his mouth and chew on...they aren't!
#9 We got a high chair this week from John's mom. So fun! Peter likes to sit in it and bang on the tray. I give him a spoon to play with while he eats so that he doesn't keep trying to grab the spoon with food on it. He is just starting to eat rice cereal and makes funny faces then spits it out so it dribbles down his chin. It's a messy business.
#10 We started a blog so that our extended family can stay updated on what is going on in our home. It is located at It has pictures, videos, and just general updates so you can stay involved. I'm really excited about this!!! I think my family will get bored with us quickly! :)