Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wyatt @ 3 months

Our littlest boy turned 3 months old! I can't believe so much time has passed since Wyatt was born. I don't think I noticed because most of that time I was in pure survival mode day to day. It is hard to have a newborn and a toddler at the same time. I will run into people who say new babies are hard, but honestly I think the baby time is easy. I think it was dealing with an almost 3 year old that tests my patience the most, and with a newborn I didn't have any to spare.

Bedtime is one of the hardest things. When Wyatt arrived I had zero energy to do the whole bedtime process with Peter and was almost always feeding around that time. Peter got into the habit of watching movies then staying up until almost 11pm. Then Wyatt would still wake up 2 times before morning and I spent every day on the edge of exhaustion. I think Peter did too and it just led him to cause even more trouble. Thankfully, as we enter 3 months Wyatt is sleeping through the nights more reliably and not eating as often so I am able to start reading Peter books at bedtime again. This past week both boys have been in bed by 9pm! John and I are celebrating!!! And also starting to get our sanity back!

At Wyatt's checkup last week he was 24" long (the 95th percentile) and 10lbs, 15 oz (the 15th percentile). Another long and skinny kid. Though I was surprised he was so low on weight. Since he got his tongue fixed about 10 days earlier it appeared as if he had packed on the pounds. It scares me to think how light he must have been before that! In the 2 weeks since getting his tongue clipped he had jumped from Newborn clothes to 3 month clothes. He stretches them up and down, but is swimming in extra fabric on the sides. Oh well.

They also measured his head circumference and ended up measuring it 3 times! Upon coming home I found out that his 14" reading puts him in the bottom 5%, aka super tiny head. The doctor asked me some development questions which he passed with flying colors so I don't think she was concerned.

Wyatt is SUPER smiley. His belly is ticklish and he loves to giggle. Every evening he has to have a good smiling session where we smile at each other and laugh. He is also very vocal, much more than I remember Peter being. Wyatt will coo, moan, and babble filling up the apartment or the car with baby talk. Peter always makes sure I know when "baby's talking mom!"

The morning that Wyatt turned 3 months old I heard him babbling in his crib as I was getting ready. Soon the noises changed to a little more urgent and I went to investigate. He had rolled over in his crib from back to front! They say that happens at 5-6 months! I was worried I don't give him enough tummy time since there is a toddler and pets running around, but I guess now he will do it himself!

Wyatt's other favorite things to do include sucking on his fists, kicking his legs, and being held close to mom. He likes his back being patted and hates it being rubbed. He loves when you run your finger over his forehead. He is now sleeping in his own crib and sharing a room with big brother, it only causes problems if big brother wakes up in the middle of the night and turns the light on. Wyatt loves sleeping in the dark and always wants a blanket blocking the light to fall asleep.

I am hopeful that soon we will be officially out of the crazy newborn stage. We are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but its not always reliable yet. Our patterns are getting settled and I mostly know what to expect during the day. Atleast I am confident that we WILL get out of survival mode sometime soon, I am enjoying finally getting there! It has been a hard few months.

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