Saturday, March 5, 2011

Monster Trucks

Monster Jam came to Tucson this month! Yay! We got our tickets to go see all the Monster Trucks! Peter was in heaven seeing all the big trucks.

I was a little nervous about how Wyatt would handle it but I put him in the Moby wrap with noise canceling ear muffs on and he slept on my chest the entire 2 hours we were there. Have I said yet that I LOVE my moby?!! Aside from a few wriggles he barely noticed anything was going on.

We even got to see Megasaurus, a big dinosaur that eats cars! Scary!

We were kinda sad because GraveDigger, our favorite truck was broken from the show the night before. But even still we saw a great show. Thank goodness we all had ear protection though. Those trucks get loud!

On the way out to the car Peter HAD to stop and get a picture with this big lizard.

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