Thursday, November 22, 2007

Week 20 - It's a BOY!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Hope you had a great day with lots of family, lots of food, and lots of fun!

We woke up early this morning to do the Turkey Trot down at Reid Park. Since about 2 years ago when I started working on my health we've done their cross-country 5k to benefit Toys 4 Tots. This year I decided to walk the 1.5 mile 'fun run'. It's a nice little tradition that gets our metabolism in gear for the rest of the day. It was nice to still be able to participate even though I am 5 months pregnant! And I'm so thankful that John just kept my leisurely pace with me to keep me company and encourage me to keep going. It's neat to be able to say that was baby's first race!

We are now into Week 20! That is half-way to BABY TIME!!!!

Baby size update: 10 inches long head-to-toe and 12 ounces. About the size of a banana!

It's hard to imagine that we are now officially over the half way mark and on our way down the hill racing towards labor and having a baby in our arms. Freaky! It still seems a little surreal. I felt a few strong kicks this week, but they aren't reliable yet. Maybe as the kicks getharder it'll get more real to me, but I know some women who didn't "get" it until they handed them their baby in the hospital.

In any case, we are passing the midway point and now it's all racing downhill to the finish line!!! I'm sure it will come faster than we expect, especially with the holidays speeding it along over the next month.

We got to see the baby on ultrasound last Friday!!! Gave us a thumbs up from the inside so I guess everything I'm doing is keeping baby happy in there. And everything looked like it was developing just as its supposed to! Yahoo!!!!

John didn't sleep the night before. Half anticipation and excitement, half worry.It was the first time he had been able to make it to an ultrasound appointment. He just went and sat down next to the monitor and wouldn'ttake his eyes off the screen. For the next hour or so after the appointment he was just in stunned silence. Think it kinda overwhelmed him a bit.

And big news is.... IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

I'm so glad my mother's intuition was right on target! I've been thinking 'boy, boy, boy' all along while everyone else guessed girl. For some reason that's not what I felt...and I was RIGHT!!! :-D

We sawhis little penis in the ultrasound bright as day. No mistaking we are having a bouncing baby boy in a few short months. We are so excited we are having a SON!!!

So now that he has reached the halfway point its time for us to kick preparations into high gear. Last weekend Idove into the boxes of clothes our friends gave us. They had 2 boys and I just had a great time going through the cute little clothes. I seperated them by sizes and filled our tiny dresser pretty quickly. Their generosity has us pretty much set on clothes for a while, with some pretty cute stuff. (Though I'm sure we'll get more.)

So now the goal is that I need to focus on all the other baby stuff. I set up a baby registry at Babies R Us just to kinda keep track of everything I still need. I'm still adjusting a little bit but if ya wanna take a look just go to their website at:

We are continuing to plow through random boxes in our closet throwing things away, getting rid of stuff, and finding a place for things that are important to us. Ever since the ultrasound John has just been a little ball of energy. He's been waking up early and staying up late going through all his random computer parts and wires and figuring out what he can part with to aid in preparing for his son.

It's an exciting time in our house and our lives. Only 20 weeks left until our son joins it! I'm sure the weeks will fly by!

Photos included:
Turkey Trot morning
Ultrasound-Baby smiling
Ultrasound-Thumbs up
Jen's belly at 20 weeks pregnant - and somehow the scale says I've only gained 5 lbs?!?!

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