Thursday, October 25, 2007

16 Weeks Pregnant

We are at 16 weeks now! That's 40% of the way to our due date! Freaky!

I am doing good. This baby is wonderfully peaceful. My skin is great, my hair is great, I don't really have much morning sickness. My blood pressure is the lowest I've ever seen it. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm doing and waiting to hear some horror story so they can get their kicks. When I say I feel great they quit asking me!

Not to say I don't have stuff going on. I feel like a box of Rice Krispies getting out of bed (snap, crackle, pop). My hip joint hurts off and on. I toss and turn trying to get comfortable at night. I am dying for Pizza Hut but its not on my food list. I've had a dull headache for 4 days. I don't fit into my favorite jeans anymore cause my hips are too big. I spontaneously start bawling at sappy songs on the radio. I go insane if John is 10 minutes late getting home...

Biggest frustration is of course the diabetes. Here's a little 101 course: When ANYONE is pregnant the changing hormones and needs required by a baby starts to quadruple the amount of sugar in your blood. This requires your body to produce more insulin to compensate for the added sugars. My body was already not able to produce enough insulin so as the baby grows, the hormones grow, the sugar in my body grows...and the more insulin I will have to take. No way around it.

Its frustrating because my body seems to change every couple days. Just when I think I got it under control the baby has a growth spurt and I have to add more insulin (even if I'm eating the same food and exercising the same way.) In the past I've always been in the mindset of if I eat right and exercise I'm pretty controlled and when I see the numbers rise even a little I start feeling guilty even though there's not much more I can do other than add a unit of insulin. It's a bit of a rollercoaster and I'm having to try adjusting my thinking for this period of time.

Babywise, we are starting to prepare. We got our first "stuff"! One of John's co-workers was trying to get rid of some stuff so we got a couple boxes of baby clothes and nursery stuff. It's neat to go into our second bedroom and see the starts of a nursery.

Last week I got some maternity clothes mom ordered for me. SO comfortable. Friday night I tried to go out and put on my fav jeans and when they wouldn't go over my hips it was like a big WHAMMY to me. Uh-oh! Time to start wearing the maternity stuff!

We also saw Avenue Q, a broadway show touring through town last weekend. Kinda a left-over birthday gift from John. Not many other shows I will want to see before baby comes so it was nice to have that night out.

I have several dr appointments over the next couple of days and I'm really excited. It feels like forever since I've been but its only been about 2-3 weeks. I just wanna hear the heartbeat again.

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