We went to our favorite egg hunting spot for Easter eggs again this year at Dove Mountain Park. It's a beautiful park with lush green grass and the hunt is organized by one of our friends churches.

The hardest thing about Easter Egg hunts with a 3 year old is trying to stop them from pilfering all the eggs before its time! Peter had such a HARD time. He wanted to just go get all the eggs and didn't understand that you have to WAIT.

Wyatt didn't seem to have it so hard. He just stayed in the stroller and happily chewed away on his blanket.

Finally they let the kids go and Peter ran out into the eggs.

He found a big pile of eggs and plopped himself right down and started shoving them into his bucket.

As the crowd milled around him he carefully went through his eggs picking and choosing which ones he wanted.

When he was satisfied with his selection he headed back to our shady spot under a tree. I was amazed, there were still eggs on the ground but he had no interest. He had picked the exact eggs he wanted.

We made our OWN Easter basket this year. I took Peter down to Michael's and they had sand buckets on sale for $1 so I let Peter pick which color he wanted then we found some felt wavy lines to glue to it and got a bunch of stickers for Peter to stick to it. It was a fun project for us and we were sure not to get our basket confused with others.

I LOVE that this year they took some of my advice from last year. There was less sugar and allergy ridden treats and more little knick-knacks in the eggs. There were little rings, puzzles, stickers, mini-bubbles, all kinds of fun stuff. Of course there was some candy for Peter, too!

It was such a beautiful day laying on the grass with my boys as Peter went through his Easter eggs. You couldn't have asked for any better!