This past weekend we headed out to the University of Arizona for the Tucson Festival of Books to go to the kid zone and get some new books. They usually have several stages of performers, storytimes, free books and more.

We went to the booth of our favorite store Bookman's where we buy used books. They were giving away cute little cowboy hats to all the kids. Absolutely adorable!

Peter also found a special comic books that had all the Marvel superheros as kids. He immediately looked for somewhere to sit down and read his new book. It has Spiderman, Iron Man, the Hulk and more. He was in heaven!

I ended up buying the comic book because it was just so cool, but we also got about 4 new books from various vendors.

Peter also found a little woolly mammoth to pose by...

And the dog Biscuit to hug. Peter ran up to him for a big hug.

It was getting pretty hot out there. March in Tucson is warm, but this year we are having one of the hottest ones in 100 years. It was probably in the upper 80's and we were sweating. Wyatt ended up sleeping comfortably in his car seat with a big shade over him the entire time.

Before leaving we got a snack of corn on the cob.

I never can pass up a chance to have fresh roasted corn on the cob!

On the way out Peter also ended up getting into the flower beds and picked his mommy a flower. Kinda hard to lecture him over it when he's bringing me a flower with a big grin on his face!