After stopping for bagels we got to the hospital and began getting set up in a labor and delivery room. I was only about 1cm dilated and not quite ready for labor so they started off by giving me a dose of cytotec to soften my cervix so it could open more.

I had to get hooked up to IV's and this proved to be really difficult. Apparently I have "squiggly veins" that are difficult to get IV's in. After 8 failed attempts by the nurses they finally had to call the anesthesiologist who numbed me and after a few more failed attempts finally got an IV in.
After this was all done our day just turned into a lot of waiting. Sometime in the afternoon I got another dose of cytotec. One good thing about cytotec is that you can still eat while it does its job. I was able to eat lunch and dinner...it was turning into a long day. This boy wasn't ready to come out yet!

Around 8pm my cervix was soft and had dilated a bit more to 2 cm. They decided it was time to start me on pitocin through my IV, a drug to stimulate contractions. By 10:30pm I was feeling contractions pretty well and around 4cm. Just after 11pm we decided it was time to get an epidural and popped my bag of water.

I texted my mom what was happening and she rushed down to the hospital so she could be there. She arrived after midnight and I was blissfully not feeling anything since I had just gotten my epidural. I thought she was a little crazy since it had already taken over 16 hours just to get to 4cm's!! They checked me around 1am and I was at 5 cm's. Yep, still taking a long time...
Then I started feeling pain again. Within 2 contractions I was in tears...the epidural was not working. I called the nurse but the minute she came in the room she said "You must be ready to push!" Wait a minute! I was just at 5cm's like 10 minutes ago!!
They checked me and yep, it was time to push. I thought they were crazy! I just wanted them to check my epidural because it HURT more and more every minute! No one was listening to me though, doctors and nurses were rushing in and getting things ready for baby's arrival.
I started pushing...my epidural had completely given out. And pitocin makes contractions come stronger and faster than normal so it felt like it never ended. I was crying and screaming...I'm sure if there were other people on the floor in labor I probably scared the hell out of them. John looked a little white and I know my mom left the room at one point. I just wanted them to pull that baby out as fast as they could!
At some point the baby got stuck. Turns out he was holding his hand against his head as he was coming out making it even wider. The head doctor ended up pushing the student doctor out of the way so he could reach in and twist the baby's body so it would come out. Yes, more screaming on my part.
Within less than 15 minutes of reaching 10cm's and pushing, our new baby boy was born! Thank goodness it atleast went fast! With Peter it was nearly 3 hours of pushing. I guess once this one decided it was time to come out he meant it!

Our new little boy, Wyatt Alexander was born January 16th at 1:52am. He was 8lbs, 6oz. and 21 3/4 inches. Don't let the weight fool you, he is another long skinny boy like his brother.

His head was bruised and all purple from the fast trip out. It looked like a little grape! He also had some bruises on his arms, one from being up against his head and the other from where the doctor had to grab and twist him.
Overall though he is a healthy baby boy with a head full of dark hair and dark eyes like his daddy!

Here's some photos and a video of some of Wyatt's first moments in the world!