The mall closest to us has a fun trick or treating event every year that we decided to go to again. I talked Peter into wearing a DIFFERENT costume! Yes, this boy has all kinds! These are actually pajamas so I figured if it was a late night he could fall asleep in them and it would be ok. He calls them his "race car costume".

Peter has now become a bit of an expert in going around looking for people with candy bags. He was a pro at going into the stores and finding treats!

He often wiggled his way around all the parents to get to the treats and we just kinda watched him from the doorway. He hasn't figured out to say "trick-or-treat" and usually just says "treat please" and "thank you!" At this store he got a fun pinwheel to play with.

I think Peter was the only race car costume there. Our boy is so unique with the outfits he chooses! Lots of people were admiring his tin Spiderman bucket too. (Thank you after Easter sales! $1!)

Sometimes if the crowd got to much Peter went looking for his daddy. John had a good time being able to enjoy the Halloween crowd.

We also met up with Peter's buddy Abigail and the kids went trick-or-treating together. They are so fun running after each other!

After trick-or-treating we decided to stop at the north end of the mall and have a celebratory dinner. Halloween is our wedding anniversary after all! John's favorite sushi place is there and it was half price happy hour so we went in for our "treat".

Dinner at a nice place isn't always easy with a 2.5 year old. But we made it work!

Peter was able to get some plain chicken and rice. He ate an entire bowl of rice by himself. And he tried to use the chopsticks but used them more as a spear. God bless those poor servers! They had a decent mess of rice to clean up after we left! We left a good tip!

Of course, Peter already had desert figured out...CANDY!

He even found a nice little fireplace out on the promenade to rest for a little bit.

After dinner we were going to try to watching a screening of the Ghostbusters movie in the courtyard but about 20 minutes in we gave up. Peter was ready for bed and started to get antsy and not listening. It was time to go home. All in all it was a nice family night on the town.