Thursday, May 12, 2011

Haircut Time!

Peter's hair was getting rather shaggy so before his birthday we took him to get a hair cut. We love Sports Buzz because they are really good with him. He can sit in a Monster Truck while they cut his hair and watch cartoon. They know how to hook little boys!

It's hard to believe this is the same boy that a year and a half ago was a nightmare to get his hair cut. He just wouldn't sit still and spent the whole time trying to get away. We had several very uneven hair cuts. Now he is still moves a bit, but he has more patience to sit through the whole thing and likes watching in the mirror. Of course the lollipop at the end doesn't hurt either.

Every time we get a haircut Peter needs to get "hawk hair" aka a mohawk. It makes him happy the rest of the day!

After haircut time we came home to watch some tv. Peter was still obsessed with touching his new mohawk. Peter sat in his little chair and wanted Wyatt to sit next to him.

Peter sure loves sitting with his brother!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

We went to our favorite egg hunting spot for Easter eggs again this year at Dove Mountain Park. It's a beautiful park with lush green grass and the hunt is organized by one of our friends churches.

The hardest thing about Easter Egg hunts with a 3 year old is trying to stop them from pilfering all the eggs before its time! Peter had such a HARD time. He wanted to just go get all the eggs and didn't understand that you have to WAIT.

Wyatt didn't seem to have it so hard. He just stayed in the stroller and happily chewed away on his blanket.

Finally they let the kids go and Peter ran out into the eggs.

He found a big pile of eggs and plopped himself right down and started shoving them into his bucket.

As the crowd milled around him he carefully went through his eggs picking and choosing which ones he wanted.

When he was satisfied with his selection he headed back to our shady spot under a tree. I was amazed, there were still eggs on the ground but he had no interest. He had picked the exact eggs he wanted.

We made our OWN Easter basket this year. I took Peter down to Michael's and they had sand buckets on sale for $1 so I let Peter pick which color he wanted then we found some felt wavy lines to glue to it and got a bunch of stickers for Peter to stick to it. It was a fun project for us and we were sure not to get our basket confused with others.

I LOVE that this year they took some of my advice from last year. There was less sugar and allergy ridden treats and more little knick-knacks in the eggs. There were little rings, puzzles, stickers, mini-bubbles, all kinds of fun stuff. Of course there was some candy for Peter, too!

It was such a beautiful day laying on the grass with my boys as Peter went through his Easter eggs. You couldn't have asked for any better!

Family on the Zoo Train

Our last family trip to the zoo we all decided to ride the zoo train together. It was to be Wyatt's first ride on the zoo train! And always a favorite thing for Peter.

The cars get kinda crowded with 4 people trying to stuff themselves in but we managed. Wyatt's was looking around trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

He even got to spend some time in dad's lap for a while.

Peter had bright eyes and a big grin on his face! He will always be happy on a train ride!

He loved being to hang out with dad on the train. He kept yelling "All aboard!!"

I know this picture is kinda dark but it just caught such a sweet moment I had to include it. Peter just loves to go up close and "Pet his baby". When Wyatt was looking worried Peter leaned in and petted him so tenderly to make sure he was enjoying the train. Such a sweet boy.

Of course, eventually both boys get to mommy's side as we come into the station. They sure do love their mom!

Faces of Wyatt

Well, there is a new Palmer boy! Which means that he MUST be trained on taking pictures! We have begun taking MANY MANY pictures of Wyatt some of which you may have already seen on mom's facebook page. Since Peter is the pro he is already trying to teach the baby how to "Look at the camera, baby!"

Half the time Wyatt isn't quite sure what is going on...

Some days he wants to fight...

...other days he just does NOT want to take pictures.

Some days he will pose...

...or test out his acting ability.

And sometimes he is just plain silly!

But almost always we can find a super-happy baby with a super-happy smile!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wyatt Rolls Over (video)

Exactly 3 months to the day after Wyatt was born he began rolling over. I walked in to get him out of his crib that morning and he had rolled from his back to his belly. Such a strong boy!

Tonight he had almost an entire hour of "exercise" time rolling over and over on the floor and I was able to get one on video!

WATCH OUT WORLD!!!! Another Palmer boy is on the move!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sesame Street Live!

It has been a CRAZY night in our family! We just got home from going to see a Sesame Street show!! Mommy was lucky enough to win some FREE tickets. Ok, we didn't win them. In actuality we lost and some of our friends won...but I sent the company running the contest a message on facebook thanking them for the contest and wishing my friends a good time. Tuesday morning I got a private message saying they had 4 extra tickets for the Wednesday show and asking if I'd like them. HECK YES!!!!!

Peter was super excited. It was hard to contain him. All evening was a tiring game of chase and it felt like he was winning! He just wanted to run and play and laugh. I guess the prospect of Elmo is super exciting to a 3 year old!

Wyatt was much more calm. He just rested in his Moby wrap and hugged mom the whole night. He ended up sleeping in it the whole show.

Daddy and Peter both wore their Cookie Monster shirts. They matched!

Part of our winnings was a private photo with some of the characters! Imagine our surprise when we walked in and saw Cookie Monster! Just like their shirts! AWESOME! Abby Cadabby was there too, she's a new fairy character. Most of my pics came out blurry but somehow when I handed the camera over to the workers their shots worked. Atleast I got one good photo and everyone is even looking!

Before going back out to the lobby Peter had to give Cookie a big hug. It looks like he almost got lost in all that fur!

In the lobby Peter found Elmo!

Wyatt had no clue what was going on. He just looked around kinda concerned and chewed on his fist. This is his latest hobby. I think he prefers that to a pacifier.

We had brought Peter's Elmo from home so he got to take him inside as we looked for our seats.

Imagine our surprise when we walked in and saw that our entire row was filled with our friends from the mommy group! Four different families had all won tickets through the same group! Peter was jumping up and down and giving hugs to all his buddies. All the kids decided to group together and sit in a row. It was the cutest thing. Peter was rarely near us the whole night. All the kids just kinda migrated through the different families during the show. I'm glad he got to share the experience with some friends.

I will never forget Peter's face when Cookie Monster and Elmo first came out. His eyes got big, his jaw dropped and he whipped his head around at me and pointed at the stage smiling. He couldn't believe what he was seeing! Big Bird, Super Grover, Bert, Ernie, they all were there.

It was a great show and certainly a new experience for Peter. He learned to clap after songs and had fun interacting with the characters. He had a great time! Mommy and Daddy had fun watching Cookie Monster rap and marveling at Elmo doing sommersaults in full costume. Wyatt slept thru it all but did jump a few times when little cannons went off and sent confetti and streamers into the audience. Thank you Sesame Street and TMC Children's Hospital for a wonderful night!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Friday BBQ's Start Again!

Our favorite "summer" activity has started up again! Friday night BBQ's at the Tucson Racquet Club.

To celebrate we decided to go pick up some new pool toys for Peter. I was hoping for some cheap floating toys but when we saw these Spiderman diving sticks I knew he had to have them!

Atleast he barely let them out of his reach!!

He held on to them tight all night long! They are his favorite thing!

It's pretty regularly in the 80's here already, some days reaching the 100's! Peter loves being able to get in the pool and swim! He is so happy in the water!

He still loves to use his tube. I am hoping that he will learn to swim a little more this summer and get rid of it sometimes.

We let Peter swim for a little bit. He liked to make new friends in the water. He is such a social little guy! It's not enough to hang out with his family, he must always have a gang of little buddies around!

After swimming we headed over to the grass and sat down on a blanket for our picnic.

We brought our own snack. Peter got some Lunchables. He can eat lunchables! He got the ham and cheese but I took the cheese away, still not great on cheese and milk. But he got ham, crackers, a banana, and a juice box. He was so worn out that he fell asleep on the way home. Love those nights!