Monday, July 7, 2008

Peter Lifting His Head (video)

A short video of Peter lifting his head up!

Grandpa Palmer Meets Peter

John's dad dropped in to spend the July 4th weekend with us. It was definately a boys weekend! We grilled out and just chilled at home most of the time. Peter had fun meeting his grandpa. They created a new game where Peter would curl his toes around Marvin's pinkie fingers and then grab hold of his thumbs with his hands then Peter could kinda dance with Marvin. He had so much fun dancing with his grandpa he didn't want to go to bed!

Unfortunately we missed out on fireworks because it was stormy and some flood advisory warnings were on the tv. I was bummed by that, but hopefully we can find some fireworks later this summer.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Three Months Old

Just got latest photos uploaded. Peter is doing great. Three months old in just a few days! I can't believe it!

He found his hands and fingers in the past few weeks and can spend hours just studying them or trying to fit both fists into his mouth. He also likes to wiggle alot. Last weekend I laid him down with his head at 12 o'clock on the blanket then went to the kitchen for a drink. When I came back he'd kicked himself around to 6 o'clock! Crazy baby!

Our sleeping pattern is lots better. Usually he goes down somewhere between 10 and 11pm and doesn't wake up until 6am. Its not every day but more often than not and it has made a huge difference.

He's also JUST started being able to really hang onto his rattle. I keep trying to figure out if he will be right or left-handed. Every time I think its one way he'll do something that changes my mind. Right now I'm thinking he'll be left-handed cause that's what he holds on to his rattle with and that is the hand he reaches out and bats at his toys with. We'll see...

He also has decided that the camera is something to stare at in awe. I rarely catch a smile because he is just dumbfounded by this metal thing looking at him... I sneak a pic of what smiles I can. :-)

Well, that's it for now. I'll try to send more photos soon! Happy 4th!